Specifically, what is a tag and what is it used for?
How do I tag someone in a LinkedIn™ comment?
How do I tag a LinkedIn™ member in a post?
Best practices for tagging someone on LinkedIn™
How many labels to use?
Can I tag anyone on LinkedIn™?
Do all labels have the same impact?
Why tagging on LinkedIn™ can work against you
Tagged on LinkedIn™, to conclude
Tagging on LinkedIn™, to sum up in 4 questions
Tired of your LinkedIn™ posts getting very few reactions? Looking to achieve better visibility in the News Feed? Tagging on LinkedIn™ can help with that. Easy to use and free, tags are your ally to boost your post's reach and generate reactions.
At Proinfluent we believe that the power of LinkedIn™ should be accessible to everyone, which is why we reveal the best practices of hashtags on this network and their benefits.
How do I tag on LinkedIn™? Best practices for mentioning someone
Specifically, what is a tag and what is it used for?
Tagging means mentioning someone (personal profile or company page) on social media. It can be a single person or multiple users. Tags are used to exchange (message), offer content to the person of your choice (in comments), or to send a post you are the author of to one or more members (post). To tag someone, type “@” on your desktop or mobile keyboard and select the names of the members you want. At that precise moment the @ disappears and the name appears in blue on mobile, or in bold on desktop.
For example, you post a photo of you and your colleagues at a company meeting. Naturally, you mention the LinkedIn™ profile of each member present.
How do I tag on LinkedIn™?
Tags provide several benefits on the LinkedIn™ social network :
Maintain the attention of the identified person(s);
Get reactions in return, allowing you to increase the visibility of your post ;
Improve the reach and engagement rate of your posts;
Attract new prospects ;
In b2b, mentions improve communication and provide friendship between employees, while still remaining a professional environment.
How do I tag someone in a LinkedIn™ comment?
Mentioning a person in a comment from your mobile
A LinkedIn™ profile
20 times more efficient.
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Whether it's an image, text, video, carousel , article or photo, all posts on the LinkedIn™ social network can be commented on. This is true even if you are not part of the user's social circle.
It's almost the same procedure as on PC, but when you tap "comment", the "@" is permanently present in the small menu, below the space dedicated to writing your comment. It is placed between the keyboard and the camera icon.
Tagged on LinkedIn
If you select it, the list of your contacts is revealed in alphabetical order. Same principle as on a computer, it is faster to enter the person's name directly rather than searching for it in the list.
Tag someone in a comment from your computer
To tag a LinkedIn ™ profile in a comment, simply :
Go to the post you want to comment on and click “comment”;
Enter “@”, the list of your relationships appears in alphabetical order;
To find the profile(s) you are interested in more quickly, type the person's name directly;
Tag someone in a comment from your computer
All you have to do is select them by clicking on them, and that's it! Note that the names appear in bold and the at symbol disappears.
Tag someone on LinkedIn™
The person mentioned will receive a notification to let them know that you tagged them in a LinkedIn™ comment or post. Additionally, it is quite possible to tag a LinkedIn™ profile even if you are not part of your relationship.
How do I tag a LinkedIn™ member in a post?
Tag a LinkedIn™ profile in a post from your mobile
To tag one or more people in your LinkedIn™ post , you must of course be the author of the post . Get started with:
Go to the “Publish” section, which is located in the middle of the navigation menu at the bottom of your screen;
Write your post and then add media to illustrate it;
Enter the “@” and start typing the name of your chosen targets, whether they are part of your network or not;
When the mention is validated, the name turns blue on your mobile. If it stays black, it's likely that the account no longer exists or that you misspelled your relationship. It's important to check this, so that your contacts receive a notification and react to your post.
to validate by clicking on “Publish”.
Tag someone in a LinkedIn™ post, from your browser
Go to “Start a Post” at the top of the home page .
Type it however you like, then type “@” to tag a contact.
Start typing your name, then select it when it appears.
The names of the people appear in bold. This criterion is essential to ensure tha mailing address example philippines your contacts receive a notification and that your post generates strong engagement.
Click “Publish” and you’re done!
Best practices for tagging someone on LinkedIn™
How many labels to use?
The number of tags per LinkedIn™ post is limited to 40. This may seem like a lot, but in some cases tagging 40 people is legitimate. The ideal number of tags depends mostly on the type of post.
For a post evoking a professional event, for example, it is not surprising to mention 40 users. On the contrary, tagging the people who were present or who participated in the smooth running of the reception is equivalent to thanking them for their presence. This creates a climate of trust and friendship.
Additionally, if you want to tag the 50 relationships present in the photos of your post, you have the option to mention the last 10 directly in the comments.
To discuss a current event, tagging 40 people is not helpful. If your content is likely to interest some of your relationships, mention them but limit yourself to 5 relationships at most.
Similarly, for an article or text, tagging 1 or 2 users is more than enough.