For example, IKEA Canada

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For example, IKEA Canada

Post by leadseodata »

Add-in content ingredientsThe media and their followers took the recipe launch to new heights. The Washington Post’s Voraciously even tested the recipe:Today on NBC used the occasion to not only share the recipe but to tell the story behind the meatballs and discuss IKEA’s plans to introduce a plant-based meatball down the road.Recipe tweakHowever, the IKEA brand didn’t take the recipe’s release as far as it could have. It seems to have been up to each country’s content team whether to promote the content.

, which has times more followers than IKEA UK, crafted switzerland number for whatsapp its own tweet using the UK-generated graphic:But the IKEA United States account never tweeted the meatball recipe..@IKEAUK’s meatball recipe release doesn’t seem to have been coordinated with its geographic divisions, says @AnnGynn via @cmicontent.Share on XTIP: In this example, IKEA UK used #IKEAmeatballs, while IKEA Canada used #IKEAInspo. Make sure to coordinate your social media hashtags across departments and divisions to achieve maximum effect.It also appears that IKEA treated the meatball recipe as a one-off post.

It hasn’t followed up with sharing user-generated or other media content created around the meatball Content Marketing Certification | Get the Building Blocks for Your StrategyLearn MoreSkip to contentContent Marketing InstituteAdvertiseContact UsSubscribeSearchSearch...StoriesResourcesTopicsResearch InsightsTraining & EducationEvents Keys to a Strong Content Marketing Agency-Client Relationshipby Jeremy Bednarski| Published: May , | Content OperationsProfessional relationships are hard work. But, like personal relationships, the key to success is open, honest communication. I’ve experienced both the corporate and agency sides and know this to be true for the content marketing agency and client relationship.
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