As we enter the new year, many of us are likely considering starting a new habit (or breaking one) as part of our new year’s resolution. When it comes to marketing, there are many good strategies that can help your business grow if you make them a consistent part of your marketing plan. We’d like to share with you a few ideas that we think will be important in 2019 and encourage you to make them a habit as you move your business forward this year.
Be consistent with content marketing
We know how hard it can be to keep your content marketing moving, especially for small marketing teams. However, by being consistent throughout the year, you’re showing your followers what they can expect from you, keeping them engaged and looking forward to your content, and hopefully driving new leads. If your plan for 2019 is to write a weekly or monthly blog, begin tunisia code number mobile early in the year (preferably January) by researching keywords and relevant content topics to build an editorial calendar. You may not be able to create a calendar for the full year, but if you start with three to six months worth of topics, it will help you save time if you get too busy later on. By getting into this habit early, you’ll find it easier to keep writing throughout the year and make sure your audience is regularly hearing from you.
Maintain regular social media management
Along with your content marketing strategy, ongoing social media management is a habit worth making. Not only should you stick to a regular posting schedule, but there should also be a focus on interacting with your followers. Remember, one function of social media is a customer service tool, and responding to users as quickly as possible is very important for your brand. If you’re unable to keep up with social media notifications on your phone or computer throughout the day, dedicate at least 15 minutes at the beginning and end of the day to go through and respond to any comments or messages that you may have received. Use this time to repost or engage with other pages or followers that may be sharing relevant content. To make this process even easier, you can take advantage of free tools like Hootsuite to connect and manage your accounts all in one place.