Impressions - the number of impressions of an advertisement by the selected target audience for the selected period.
Clicks - the number of clicks on the ad during the selected time period.
Reach is the number of unique users who saw your ads.
eCPM — cost per thousand ad impressions.
CTR is the click-through rate (= number of clicks on an ad / number of impressions * 100%).
eCPC — cost per click (cost per user transition to the site).
The result is the number of target actions received.
Cost per result – cost of conversion (= amount of funds spent / number of events from the “Result” column).
Spent (expense) - the total amount of expenses.
You can view metrics for campaigns you're interested in for a specific period.
Broadcast is a toggle switch that turns on and off the display of preliminary statistics in Ad Groups and Ads. You can view clicks and impressions for a period of 5 to 60 minutes.
Mobile applications
Attribution time. This parameter allows you to advantages of truemoney database configure how exactly to calculate the cost of conversion, value, ROMI, CRR. This is necessary when several days have passed between the ad display and the purchase.
Attribution options:
by date of showing;
by event date.
Attribution type:
PostClick is a delayed target action that a user performed after coming to your site from an advertisement.
PostView is a delayed target action that a user performed after viewing your ad.
CR – conversion rate (= number of conversions / number of clicks * 100%).
DRR is the share of advertising expenses (= advertising expenses / revenue * 100%).
ROMI – Return on Investment (= revenue – advertising costs / total advertising costs * 100%).