How to create engagement in your video

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How to create engagement in your video

Post by nurnobi40 »

We don’t even need to talk about how videos are trending these days and that they not only can but should be part of your marketing strategy.

But it’s not enough to just create any video, right? Your content needs to spark your audience’s interest in watching what you’re talking about and be relevant and useful to them.

With that in mind, we’ve selected 6 essential tips for creating engaging videos. Take note!

Grab attention in the first few seconds

You may notice that we decide whether or not to continue bosnia and herzegovina phone number data watching a video based on what we see in the first 8 seconds. And that’s what your audience will also do in relation to your video.

Therefore, keep in mind that the first few seconds of your video are crucial and need to be very interesting, intriguing and generate an immediate connection with your audience. One tip is to include a spoiler of what the user will find if they continue watching the video or even bring the cherry on the cake right at the beginning, instead of waiting until the end.

Straight to the point

If a viewer loses interest in your video for even a second, they probably won’t give it another chance. Avoid long introductions, explanations, or any other information that might be boring for the viewer. Be more direct, assertive, and get straight to the point.

How to create engagement in your video


Yes, this is different from the previous topic. When we talk about being direct, we are referring to the type of content presented. Dynamism is rhythm, agility, and is closely associated with editing, as well.

Add caption

If you want engagement, you need to prepare for people to watch your video anywhere and in any situation, including on the bus, at work (who hasn't done that?) or anywhere else where you can't leave the sound on. That's why adding subtitles or lettering to your video will make life easier for those who want to watch your content but can't listen to it at that moment.


If you think that animation is exclusive to children's content, you need to rethink your concepts now. There are several types of animation, and the technique can be used for all types of videos, you just need to be creative! Since they are dynamic and attention-grabbing, animated videos can guarantee excellent engagement.
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