Social isolation to contain the novel coronavirus pandemic has directly and indirectly impacted all sectors of the economy. With only essential services operating in several states, the effects of the shutdown can be felt everywhere. Including at the National Cinema Agency, Ancine.
With operations reduced due to the COVID-19 crisis, the agency created a special task force group to continue analyzing the budgets of audiovisual projects that are on hold. With a 180-day bulgaria phone number data deadline (which may be extended), the idea is to ensure that the resources from the Audiovisual Sector Fund (FSA) continue to be applied even with the operational reduction.
Another group was also created to solve the problem of the agency's high backlog of projects pending analysis, which has been dragging on for years. This is due to a number of reasons, including issues with the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) and the delay in appointing directors by the Bolsonaro government. Even with Regina Duarte taking over the Ministry of Culture, a secretary for Audiovisual has not yet been appointed.
It is worth noting that the pandemic is considered a force majeure reason for all requests for exemption from obligations, extensions of deadlines and changes to projects.