In previous articles you could read how to develop an online strategy. From trends and developments, organizational and target group wishes (step 1) you have arrived at strategic choices (step 2). The next step in the process is the online plan of approach (step 3, see figure 1).
Online concept
and the tangible result you want to work towards with your online activities, you need an online concept. This is a story, description or visual representation of what you want to achieve or convey with 'online'. You get an image, it becomes 'tangible'. Online concepts are displayed or visualised in various ways in practice. The online concept is often necessary to get everyone in the organisation on the same page. Figure 2 shows an example of an online concept.
Online scope
It is often impossible to realize all plans at once. israel phone data After all, you have to deal with limiting factors, such as time, capacity, complexity and budget. It is therefore important to make choices: which online activities do you tackle first and which later? You record this in an online scope based on:
Strategic starting points . For example, if the main goal is student recruitment, the portal aimed at prospective students has priority.
Impact on the organization . For example: do we first go for a quick (partial) result that burdens the organization as little as possible and ensures support, or do we tackle it thoroughly right away?
Available budget or capacity . For example: what will the implementation of the online plans yield – in both the short and long term – compared to the expenditure?
Dependencies . For example: what is the logical sequence of development and what are the interfaces with other projects?
No matter how broad or narrow your online scope is, it must be clear to all parties involved for a certain period of time what is being developed, for whom and with what purpose. Only then can you start working on the form, function, content, technology and processes of the online activities to be developed.