Site concept: how does it taste?

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Site concept: how does it taste?

Post by arzina221 »

Reason for existence and ambition
The well-known mission and vision: what is this organization on earth for? What is its reason for existence and what is the shared vision of the future? What are the organization's long-term goals? What will the company look like in five years?

Who are the target groups?
What are the primary and secondary target groups? And which of these target groups are relevant for this communication tool or these communication activities? Target group research is essential: because how well do you really know these target groups? Think of market research, interviews, surveys: the more insight into knowledge, attitude, behavior, motivations and needs, the better.

What is a concept? An idea? A basic idea from which we work? Opinions vary widely. And admittedly, 'concept' is also quite a vague concept. Wikipedia describes it as follows:

lamp“A concept (from Latin concipere – conceptum: to take together, to grasp, to understand), also a notion, is a cognitive unit, namely the mental representation of one or more ideas that are summarized in a higher class of similar or related phenomena or abstract relations.”

And that is of course still quite abstract. Simply put, a concept is a story that brings together all the loose ideas for the activities or resources that you develop. Floor and Van Raaij describe it as 'the creative translation of the proposition'. In short: where the strategy answers the question 'what': the concept mainly determines the 'how' and 'with what'.

I also believe that a good concept mainly consists of a oman phone dataclose interplay between (content) strategy (what are we going to tell?) and form (how are we going to tell that?). A strong concept gives focus to the development process and will make the difference in the final user experience.

Developing a concept for your site – in 4 steps
Let's get started. We use four phases for developing the concept. After these phases have been completed, there is a complete package with which the design and construction phase can be started (increasingly in an iterative, Agile approach, in which components are designed and realized in sprints). Note in advance: there are many roads to Rome. In other words, not all activities and tools are necessary to use. Depending on the complexity of your site and (project) organization, you can use more or fewer activities.

Step 1. Strategic concept
The strategic concept includes the basic principles for the site. For whom are we going to design what? And with what goal? Tools you can use for this.
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