“Headphones are prohibited. They hinder cooperation

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“Headphones are prohibited. They hinder cooperation

Post by arzina221 »

When planning a sprint, you then divide those stories into tasks, each of which is given an estimated number of hours. This allows you to predict in detail how much work you can take on in the upcoming sprint. This makes everything as concrete as possible for you internally, but also for the customer and any other suppliers. Transparency and honesty are perhaps the most important things we want to achieve with Scrum. For example, I like working with Excel.”

But in Excel you cannot work with multiple people at the same time in one file.

Are there any other useful tools? Otherwise we will develop one ourselves
“Haha, unfortunately for you, there are already a number of suitable tools for smaller projects. Such as Scrumwise . Scrumwise is really specifically built for project management according to Scrum. It provides an overview of the user stories and the associated tasks. You can rate each user story with story points. This then helps you with a good hour estimate and provides insight into which requirements are feasible in which sprint. The customer can constantly watch and keep track of the planning in the 'Burndown Chart'.

Scrumwise is specifically built for project management according to Scrum.

Of course, it is scary that a customer can watch, but it does provide the necessary transparency and creates trust on both sides. With beginning scrummers, things can sometimes go wrong in terms of estimation. Customers literally see that reflected in this system. The more often you work according to this method in combination with Scrumwise, the better your estimations become and the more often you meet the planning. After all, you learn from your mistakes.

“…making mistakes is not bad, continuing to make mistakes is.”

Sometimes you have to deal with such a large sweden phone data project that multiple suppliers are involved. The challenge lies mainly in the planning and communication. Where the work of one supplier stops, the other supplier continues. And sometimes the work of two suppliers is so intertwined that they have to work on a number of requirements at the same time. That is the same with team members. So it is important to connect the right people at the right times. And that is possible with Scrumwise.”

Do you have a nice closing tip, Rick?
With a wink:

Oops, our programmers actually like to work with their headphones on. But what do you expect if one likes to listen to heavy metal and the other to folklore music. So we keep the headphones!

Also read the other two articles in this trilogy.
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