Very often we find ourselves in the situation of having to buy something. Sometimes it happens that we do it for fun, we see something we like and decide to buy it. Everything happens quickly, without making too many evaluations.
Other times, however, the purchase we have to make arises from a necessity, so we are more cautious and thoughtful. In this case, we evaluate every aspect of the product or service we want to buy and compare it with other similar ones, considering the pros and cons of each before making the final decision.
What we described above is a process that your potential customers also go through and is called the buyer 's journey.
This is an active research journey that leads to purchase, where your denmark whatsapp resource ideal customer focuses on identifying their problem and evaluating available options that might help solve it.
By understanding this journey, you can provide the helpful information they need and help them navigate their purchase journey.
Therefore, a digital marketing strategy must aim to direct prospects towards your company and to make them become a lead. To do this, you can:
create "educational" content that illustrates the company's capabilities and resources and how these respond to the most common needs and questions of the target audience, in the various phases of the path towards the purchasing decision;
share company culture and case studies on social media to increase buyer persona engagement and trust;
highlight the website , where there will be various CTAs ( Call To Action ) to get in touch directly with the company (for example chat bot or contact form).
These actions and resources, which are implemented, support the marketing and corporate strategies planned by ensuring that the corporate value proposition is clear inside and outside the company environment.
As the Inbound Marketing theory teaches us , every interaction with your company must happen naturally and the valuable content you have to offer must be suited to the situation in which your buyer persona (to put it very simply, your ideal customer) finds himself.