- What makes you different from other teachers on social media ? And in your profession , what would you say is your strong point in teaching ?
I am just like the rest of the teachers you can find in a school. On social media there are very good teachers who share their thoughts or their work and give ideas that I learn from every day. However, on the Internet I only write nonsense.
I think my strong point is the enthusiasm and desire that I put into each course that begins to give the best version of myself to my students.
- What do you think is the pending subject for the course that has just begun?
There are many pending issues, but I think the most colombia phone data important would be for the government to consider lowering ratios, to reverse the cuts that have done so much damage to education and to take steps once and for all towards legislative stability in education with an agreement. But I'm sure we'll have to deal with all this again in September.
"I try to train myself and stay up to date so I can improve as a teacher"
- How do you organize your course on a professional level ? Do you dedicate part of your time to learning new subjects ?
I believe that training and retraining are essential, so I try to train myself every year and stay up to date with educational developments in order to improve as a teacher. It is a matter of responsibility. If you like your job and want to do it as well as possible, ongoing training is an essential requirement, even if it means devoting part of your free time.
Instagram post by Maestra de Pueblo , where she also has more than 30,000 followers.
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- Joined: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:14 am