Where does the measurement take place?

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Where does the measurement take place?

Post by sharminakter »

Campaigns are optimized based on a set of metrics, and the campaign algorithm is fed information about what the campaign hopes to achieve. For example, Meta's advertising campaign is told that with this campaign I aim to get people to fill out the contact form. And the algorithm then tries to find users from the set audience who are most likely to fill out that contact form.

Measurement methods have probably also been used to build the audience. For example, the audience for the same Meta advertising campaign could be people who have read blogs in category x, and users who are similar to them, so-called “look-likes” or “lookalikes”.

Measurement is therefore a critical part of building every advertising campaign, and thus a critical part of the functionality of each advertising channel. You have to trust the data and metrics to make sense of spending budget on advertising channels. In the worst case, measurement is poorly implemented, and the AI ​​learns completely the wrong thing and directs the budget spent on campaigns in a completely irrelevant direction.

Download the guide and delve deeper into the topic: Measurement jordan phone data strategy and technical implementation according to the MRACE® model

It can be said that measurement occurs throughout the digital marketing environment. Measurement differs across channels, and each channel has its own unique characteristics. The most common places where measurement occurs are:

A web service, the most common tool for measuring which is an analytics tool, such as Google Analytics 4. In addition, various heatmap tools are often part of measuring a web service.

Advertising channels that include their own metrics related to advertising reach, engagement, and conversions.
Search engines that specifically measure things related to search terms.

Email marketing , where the special feature of measurement is the metrics related to opening and reading the emails themselves.
Organic social media, which includes metrics related to the reach and engagement of your profile and posts.
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