Indicators for campaigns focused on image goals:
number of ad views,
views for individual keywords,
share of impressions (e.g. in the top position).
Metrics for campaigns focused on building traffic:
CTR rate,
traffic from individual keywords,
ad position.
Metrics for conversion-driven campaigns:
CTR rate,
conversion rate,
conversion cost,
number of ad views.
Tools for measuring the effectiveness of online advertising
To create an effective advertising campaign , you need to regularly analyze statistics, then conduct tests and check which solutions are the most effective. How to do it? Counting every click or visit to the site on your own would be impossible. Fortunately, thanks to digitization, we can do it in an easier way - using special tools to measure the effectiveness of the campaign.
If you create an ad in popular systems telemarketing in hongkong such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you will be able to automatically generate reports and check the metrics that are important for the selected campaign goal. You can connect your Facebook ad account to your company page using a Facebook pixel, a piece of code that collects information about activity from the page.

However, to create an effective advertising campaign in Google Ads, it is worth connecting your account with the Google Analytics tool. It provides the KPIs described earlier, as well as many other statistics (e.g. time spent on the site, phrases generating the most traffic, hours of peak traffic).
An effective advertising campaign – what should it be like?
How to create an effective advertising campaign ?
Effective advertising campaign
There is no single perfect recipe, because marketing activities are selected individually for each company, but there are some rules that are worth following:
Set a goal.
Define your target audience.
Choose the right keywords.
Create clear and readable messages.
Use benefits and CTA language.
Embed extensions in your ads.
Be credible, do not present false information.
Take care of attractive ad creation and a valuable landing page.
Test multiple versions.
Analyze statistics.
If you have any questions, please contact our SEO agency !