The current marketing scene is dominated by video content. It looks like videos will continue to dominate the landscape at least for a while longer.
Videos are the preferred form of content for marketers and businesses because no marketing goals can be achieved using video content.
Do you want to create awareness about your brand? A brand presentation video will help you achieve the goal.
Want to showcase a software product and explain its features? Create a product walkthrough video.
And the list goes on.
But keep in mind that using video to increase conversion is not a new marketing technique. To create maximum impact with your video content, you need to innovate and optimize. Let’s learn how.
Why you should strive to keep your readers on a page longer
Why you should strive to keep your readers on a page longer
The term “audience engagement” sounds simple enough. But only marketers know that there are tons of metrics to accurately measure page engagement.
Marketers can be too new zealand phone number library focused on page views, bounce rate, and new versus returning users; they may be overlooking “time spent on page.”
All other metrics are important. There's nothing wrong with focusing on them. But improving time spent on a page has a direct relationship to increasing audience engagement.
The amount of time spent on a page is a good indicator of how the visitor feels about the content. If people aren't spending enough time on your page, then something is wrong - probably the content. This needs to be fixed.
As marketers, we can’t just ignore the “time spent on page” metric. This is because abandoning visitors leaves a parting gift in the form of a high bounce rate. And this will lead to reduced conversions and ultimately, decreased sales and profits.
Also, search engines take the “time on page” metric seriously. This is one of the metrics that is merit-based and cannot be manipulated.
You can improve average time on page by increasing audience engagement. Feed visitors the best content possible and engage them with their favorite form of content: videos. More organic visitors to your website will stay longer if you have a video.
Nowadays, every website, digital agency , and business uses video content. So, to increase audience engagement, you need a video strategy that will keep visitors around long enough to learn what you have to offer.
Here are some tips to help you make the most of your video content and increase audience engagement.
Four Ways to Use Video Content to Boost Audience Engagement
Effective audience engagement is vital to making a good first impression on new visitors, keeping them coming back, developing loyalty and building long-term relationships.
But you’re not the only one using videos on your website. According to Hubspot, 81% of all businesses use video as a marketing tool. Plus, more than 500 million users watch videos on Facebook every day. Plus, YouTube users watch 1 billion hours of video every day.
Your video page needs to stand out. Let's find out what you need to do to achieve this goal.
Add tutorial videos to connect the brand with the reader
Add tutorial videos to connect the brand with the reader
We’ve all turned to YouTube at one point or another for help understanding a product/service or learning how to do something. You’ve probably watched hundreds of hours of tutorial videos every year.
Tutorial videos are quite popular among marketers and businesses because they work. After all, we are humans; we look for simple and easy solutions to problems. Tutorial videos are considered the pillars of video marketing because they are entertaining and informative.
With the help of video tutorials, you can break down complex topics and tasks into easily understandable steps.
In addition, video tutorials have the incredible ability to effectively convey a brand's personality. When customers see the protagonist of the video tutorial explaining a brand with a smile on their face and in a friendly manner, a feeling of trust and affection towards the brand develops.
Video tutorial is a powerful marketing technique because making customers think, laugh or be inspired can generate positive thoughts about the brand in their minds.
Once you have created an excellent video tutorial, the next step would be to spread the content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram , etc. to achieve your marketing goal. This is easily achieved without much time and effort by using social media automation tools .
The video – created with a lot of love and effort – has to produce the desired results. In video marketing, video production is just one of many elements.
One simple thing that could greatly increase a video's chances of success is its thumbnail. The video thumbnail is the first thing you'll see on the page. If the thumbnail is good and effective, there's no need to search for the video; the thumbnail will grab your attention.
Also, when someone types in your main keyword and your video appears on the search engine results page, the thumbnail along with the title helps attract visitors to your page.
As much as we want to deny it, first impressions matter to us. When we're online, we expect instant gratification and make a snap judgment about everything.
Whether you watch a video or not could depend on the quality of the thumbnail. Yobongo changed its video thumbnail and saw a 70.9% increase in conversions.
Some may still prefer an automatically generated video thumbnail. We'd like to give you three reasons to ditch the auto-generation and go for a custom thumbnail:
Even a short video (2-3 minutes) will generate thousands of frames. Frankly, even if the video is great, most of the frames can be unflattering. Frames like thumbnails will do more harm than good.
Through the custom thumbnail, you can present a lot of information. Visitors can use this to decide whether to play the video or not.
Finally, you can select one or more frames from the video. Then use a thumbnail creation tool to modify the frames and highlight their best features.
How do you know if new thumbnails are increasing clicks? With the myriad of marketing tools available online, you can track the performance of every element of your marketing campaign, including video thumbnails .
Use short videos
Marketers are learning that short videos produce better results than their long-form brethren. The other day we heard someone say that our attention span is worse than that of a goldfish. The person may be exaggerating the problem. But there is a ring of truth in the statement.
Some experts recommend that the video be less than 3.5 minutes long. Then, some experts say that the completion rate drops significantly after just 30 seconds of the video. If you still need reasons to use short videos on your website, here are five more:
According to a report published a few years ago, our attention span has shrunk to just 8 seconds. That being said, people prefer short videos because they are easy to consume, like, share and remember. Short videos have more “viral” potential.
With short videos, you can get straight to the point without filling the video with trivial content. Many believe that complex content is better received and understood if it is presented in short chunks. Important topics that cannot be included in a one-minute video can be broken down into several short clips that can be consumed in free time.
By reducing the length of visual content, it also makes video production cost-effective. While short videos require extensive planning, they consume fewer resources, are unpretentious, and easy to make. Because of their cost-effectiveness, even small businesses can leverage the power of video marketing.
Truth be told, short videos are harder to produce than longer ones. With short videos, the focus is on quality, not quantity. Professionally created visual content that lasts one minute has a higher value and greater impact than longer, lower-quality videos.
Every business and marketer is using video to capture consumers’ attention. No platform is spared. We see video content dominating across all social media platforms. There are more videos to watch today than ever before. With so much content available online, marketers are finding it easier to engage and market their product, service, or idea with short-form content.
Use video content at the top of the page
video content
There has been a lot of talk about the placement of video content on a page.
The centuries-old concept of publishing the most important content in featured sections or above the fold of the newspaper is still relevant. But, some argue, it no longer matters where video content is placed.
Let's make one important point clear: search engine algorithms do not have a clear preference on where the video is placed. Therefore, the decision should be based on the type of video used and the user experience.
If a visitor is on the page primarily to watch the video, having them scroll down the page will only force the user off the site.
For example, always place visual content like a whiteboard animation video at the top of the page. That’s because whiteboard animation videos are better at explaining technical and important topics. You’ll find it easier to engage your audience with a 3-minute whiteboard video than with a 2,500-word blog post.
Video content is the star of the page. It is placed early and prominently on the page. Preferably above the fold or in any eye-catching location that encourages the visitor to play the video.
However, if a video only supports another (more important) video on the page; if its purpose is to support and enhance the value of the first video, but does not add much value on its own, then it is acceptable not to place the video at the top of the page.
At the end of the day, let the purpose of the video dictate its position. You can use website analytics tools to gather a variety of information about viewers, CTR, or watch time. If the video is intended to engage and convert, emphasize the content by positioning it at the top of the page.