ICT Events 2018: Many, but Which Are the Most Effective?

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ICT Events 2018: Many, but Which Are the Most Effective?

Post by aktAkterSabiha10 »

ICT Events 2018: an increasingly busy calendar of events, conferences, seminars, workshops populates the calendars with various types of programming.

In 2017, in Italy, 44% of companies directed 20% of their budgets to events, used as an effective vehicle for launching products and solutions, even if the most significant growth was concentrated on training events, which in two years went from 12.9% to 28% (Source: AstraRicerche Monitor degli Eventi e della Live Communication)

But does it still make sense to talk about ICT Events in 2018? The question arises spontaneously, thinking about the implementation costs, the communication resources to be deployed to attract attention and engage targets but also and above all the difficulty of people to manage overcrowded agendas to be able to participate.

The meaning of events in the digital age
It is natural to think that events in an increasingly digital world are no longer the first choice of marketers, and this was the case in the dark years of 2012-2013, when investments in events fell by 9%, as reported by the ADC Group Annual Monitor. After a slow recovery, 2017 saw growth of 2.1% (Astra Ricerche), bringing the overall value of the B2B events market to 852 million euros in Italy. A positive trend also confirmed by the recent 2018 B2B Lead Gen Trend Outlook (Chief Marketer Research), which places “live events” in second place among the best channels for generating leads.

The trend is not only Italian, but also concerns the international market as belgium telegram mobile Phone Number list published in the Event Marketing 2018 report by Bizzabo which collects the comments of 400 senior marketers.


80% of marketing managers think that events are necessary for the success of the company;
31% of marketing managers consider events the most effective marketing channel;
95% of marketers believe events are an opportunity to build “in-person” relationships in an increasingly digital world. Events are how companies differentiate themselves by reaching their audiences in the real world and create the context for direct and personal engagement with customers, prospects and partners;
86% of marketing managers believe that technology plays an important role in the success of the event, before, during and after the event, from the organization to the engagement of the participants, from the management of the contacts to the collection of the feedback. The attention of the marketing managers is focused on live streaming and social media (including live video on social networks), considered the technologies that have the most significant impact on the effectiveness of the events;
80% of companies say they will increase spending on event technology in the coming years, such as apps for sharing slides, asking live questions to the audience, and fostering networking among attendees;
63% of marketers will invest more in events.
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