Communicating in times of crisis

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Communicating in times of crisis

Post by rabia829 »

We are living in very complicated times for any business, although it is true that certain sectors are being affected more than others. But, regardless of your company's activity, whether it has had to close its doors temporarily or whether you have opted for teleworking , there is something that no company should stop doing: communicating .

You should do this in order to inform about your company's activity and offer your products or services and whether these have undergone any changes. With the information you transmit, you will be helping your clients to know what they need to know about your company in these times of so much uncertainty.

We already mentioned it in one of our 99 acres database previous articles: communication with your clients is going to be a fundamental part of your marketing strategy , both while the lockdown lasts and afterwards.


Don't disappear
This is what we see happening with many small businesses: as soon as the start of the lockdown was announced, they put their social media and blogs on hold and cancelled all their advertising campaigns. Does this sound familiar? Have you seen any companies that have followed this strategy?

Stopping communication creates uncertainty and nervousness in your clients and prospects. They won't know what to expect, especially in a situation like this, when the vast majority are stuck at home. Communication through digital channels has always been important, but it has become essential at this time. Our internet connection opens a window to the outside world and helps us stay connected : take advantage of this opportunity and let your clients know that you are still there. Tell them what the situation of your business is at all times: has your activity stopped completely? Are you teleworking and all your services remain unchanged? Are you only offering part of your services?

Don't act like nothing is happening
Another mistake is to continue with the marketing strategy outlined as if nothing is happening. With a health crisis that has had an impact on a global level, it is useless to pretend that nothing has happened or that your business has not been affected in the slightest. At this point, whether because you have been forced to work remotely, to close, or because of changes in your customers' consumption habits, it is practically impossible that you have not noticed anything.

As with the previous point, it's all about talking to your customers. Be honest and communicate the situation of your business to them at all times. Adapt your campaigns and messages to external circumstances to show them that you are still there .

So how should I communicate with my clients?
The digital channel you choose to communicate with your customers depends on your overall marketing strategy , although it's a good time to explore new channels you haven't tried before. Use your website to add informative banners, write articles on the topic on your blog, stay active on social media, send email communications, take advantage of branding on paid advertising channels... And if you have an online store: make the most of it!

Regardless of the channel you choose to communicate with your customers in these times of crisis, there are a number of guidelines you should keep in mind when conveying your message.
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