Whether it is for the development of a new project or to increase its notoriety and sales, there are many reasons for wanting to improve its visibility on Google as the results can change the course of a business.
Since there are also many solutions, let's review the options available to you depending on the different cases.
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First of all, how can you improve your visibility on Google?
There are two types of strategies to improve your visibility on Google all mobile number list The first, natural or organic referencing (SEO), consists of naturally raising your site in Google results. The second, paid referencing or SEM, is an advertising strategy that consists of buying your Google visibility with Google Ads.
Depending on your situation and business goals, deploying these strategies will require different levels of expertise. In some cases, it will be possible to develop these levers of your marketing alone or internally, in others, it will be better to entrust them to experts.
We will focus this article on SEO needs .
While web advertising (SEM) can be turned on and off with a click, improving your visibility on Google in a natural way requires a long-term strategy that can be much more difficult to rectify once launched. This is why it is important to carefully assess your situation before opting for a solution.
And as Google says in their article “Do You Need an SEO Expert”, if you decide to work with a third party to make the right choices for your SEO, “the sooner the better”.
Learn more about how to increase your online sales.
Improve your visibility on Google yourself or with an agency?
There are several factors to consider before deciding which web agencies in Montreal to use to improve your visibility on Google. Going it alone, or with a partner? Here are the questions to ask yourself.
Do you have time? Yes / No
Growing a business requires smart allocation of your time. The more you can focus your time on the things where you deliver the most value, the better your chances of success. And to deliver value in SEO, you’ll need time.
An entrepreneur who wants to improve his visibility on Google himself must plan to extend his evenings for the months to come . Launching into SEO alone is a bit like deciding to start a relationship. You will have to be ready to make daily efforts and maintain them with the same rigor over the months and years for it to work. Not always easy!
In summary, if you are already overwhelmed when reading this article, the Do It Yourself solution is already to be swept aside. If on the contrary, you have just finished your studies, reduced your workload or left a job to develop your project, then you can answer “Yes” and move on to the next point:
Do you have the necessary knowledge? Yes / No
Increasing your visibility on Google and understanding SEO criteria doesn't require a NASA degree, but almost. To give you an idea of the type of marketer skills you need to master to run your own SEO, you can check out this beginner's guide to SEO.
If the terms and concepts you find there already make your hair stand on end with their complexity, this gives you a first indication of the time it will take you to learn to master them and know how to monetize your website. And yet, this guide is only the tip of the iceberg.
However, in case you want to learn and add a new string to your bow, here are some guides that may be useful to you:
A guide to web writing to learn how to write for the web
An SEO Audit Guide to Evaluate Your Website
A Content Marketing Guide to Fuel Your SEO Strategy
A guide to local SEO if you are a local business
A list of SEO mistakes to avoid
A guide to learning how to sell online
Know how to avoid scams
You would be surprised to see the number of new SEO consultants emerging every day on the Internet. Understanding SEO also means protecting yourself from potential scams or unreliable partners who will try to lure you to sleep with great promises to succeed in your SEO strategy , but few reliable references. Improving your visibility on Google organically does not happen in one day, but rather in 4 to 12 months. If you are promised something else, be wary.
On the other hand, if you've gone through our beginner's guide to SEO with a feeling of omnipotence and serenity, you're ready to move on to the next point, the crux of the matter:
Can you afford an external SEO service? Yes / No
If you had to answer “no” to the first two points, but you are convinced of the power and importance of an organic SEO strategy, then your solution may well lie in outsourcing. Provided of course that you can afford the services of an SEO agency or consultant.