Company shares as an incentive: what do they consist of?

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jrine 01
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Company shares as an incentive: what do they consist of?

Post by jrine 01 »

The well-being of your employees is just as important as the satisfaction of your customers. In this post we tell you how company shares can be a good complement to achieve this.

Hiring good employees is not easy and involves an expense that is sometimes difficult to cover with the increase in productivity they provide. But you surely have key employees, those who make your profits improve. Think about their conditions: reinvesting in their profits is reinvesting in your business.

In order for your employees to be happy in your company and treat your clients better or continue selling with the same strength and enthusiasm, you don't only have the resource of salary.

For starters, you can try to put in place aruba email list 38244 contact leads policies that improve their work-life balance. This word wasn't invented just so women can look after their children. Fathers have that right too, and we should all have time to go to the cinema or chat with friends. Quality of life is a highly valued asset for your employees.

As for financial incentives, in addition to your salary and bonuses when certain objectives are met, you have the option of distributing shares of your company among your most key employees. To do this, you should consider:


How many shares is your company's capital divided into?
What is the maximum number of shares you could distribute without losing control of the company?
Is it really interesting for your employees to own shares in your company? In other words, are they profitable? Will they be of any use to them in the future?
Will it be a one-off distribution, or do you intend to establish it every year?
Even if the profitability is low, you can play the card of involvement, making them part of the business. In this way, you will get them to be more involved in the company , to think more about obtaining results and that the treatment of the client will be, if not better, more sincere, more heartfelt.

However, warn them that this remuneration in kind will be counted as part of their contribution base when filing their personal income tax (IRPF).

As you have seen, you have many options to make your employees happy in their jobs and help you improve your business results. Consider the option of shares, even if they are a little, they will become even more part of your company.
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