Step 9: Document your social media strategy

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Step 9: Document your social media strategy

Post by emailnumberlist554 »

Once you’ve finalized your strategy, it’s time to officially document it and turn it into a social media presentation so you can share it with your team.

Make sure your document outlines everything we’v italy phone number list e covered so far in this article: your goals, KPIs, content plan, audience, and more. Include specific action steps, timelines, and who on your team will execute which part of the strategy.

Use our free social media strategy template as a starting point, then add in your own information as well as visuals to summarize major steps. Including flowcharts, calendars, and other visual aids can make the information even more comprehensive.

Add call-out sections that can help you summarize key points and highlight how the strategy will align with business goals so you can get stakeholders on board. This point is especially important if you need to pitch a certain marketing budget in order to make your strategy possible.

Step 10: Set up workflows to implement your strategy
Finally it’s implementation time! Assign everyone on your team their roles in this step so that everyone is on the same page and can get the ball rolling. Keep the strategy as a living document and refer back to it often as you put together new campaigns or initiatives to make sure they align with your overall goals.


To do this, you need to turn your strategy into tactics. Break down high-level goals and plans into smaller, actionable tasks. For example, putting one person in charge of ideating and creating several pieces of content for one single purpose.

Put together workflows that can help streamline your processes and ensure regular content posting, engagement, and performance tracking. Plus, you can set up approval workflows so that lower-level team members can submit content ideas to senior members before it goes live.

7-step social media workflowRolling out a social media strategy starts with content and continues all the way through publication, moderation, and analysis. Here's how to build a social media workflow that incorporates your strategy.
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