Today’s needs for brands in relational email marketing – [interview with marta rams]

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Today’s needs for brands in relational email marketing – [interview with marta rams]

Post by bitheerani44556 »

Today’s needs for brands in relational email marketing – [Interview with Marta Rams]
Today on the Mittum blog we have had the opportunity to bring you the interview with Marta Rams , one of Elogia 's experts in relational email marketing.

Check out everything she shared with us below. There is so much to learn from her!
Marta, tell us a little more about yourself, your role and freight forwarders brokers email lists within the group.
Tell us, what are the needs for brands today in relational email marketing strategies?
We know that not everything is smooth sailing. What challenges do you think are the most important in 2016 for those who work developing relational email marketing strategies?
What has been your best experience of collaborating with the group? And what would be an experience that has left you with a lot of learning?
Marta, tell us a little more about yourself, your role and activity within the group.
M: I am a statistician by training, and in the group I mainly work as a database analyst, among others, within the Marketing Intelligence department.


For prospects, my role is to know what we can extract from their databases and how they can help us, in order to propose a good relational email marketing strategy appropriate to the future client.

My role when a client comes in is to analyse all the data they provide us and to know how to draw conclusions that are beneficial for the client, based on the calculation of suitable and ad hoc KPIs for each of them and the programming of reports so that the client themselves can update the data.

For recurring clients with email marketing strategies, it is necessary to analyze the data from the campaigns and to be able to extract value indicators so that, together with CRM Specialists, we can make improvements for future mailings and optimize the campaigns, always thinking about increasing results.

Tell us, what are the needs for brands today in relational email marketing strategies?
M: Mainly knowing your clients, knowing when to impact them, what subject will attract their attention more than the competition's and what is the most appropriate content for each of them.

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Nowadays, we receive more and more emails, and therefore, what brands need today is to know how to differentiate themselves from the competition. To do this, they must know their subscribers and know how to impact them at the right time and with the right content.

With an appropriate strategy, brands will be able to build loyalty among their users and therefore make them buy more in the case of stores, or recommend their sites on content pages.

Thus, a great challenge is the personalization of communications, not sending the same content to all users, since each of our clients is different; we are very far from one-to-one communication , but from today, we can implement segmentations that make users feel more comfortable when receiving a communication from the brand and so they do not feel that it is spam, but that the brand has thought of them when scheduling the communication.

We know that not everything is smooth sailing. What challenges do you think are the most important in 2016 for those who work developing relational email marketing strategies?
M: Knowing how to put yourself in the shoes of the end user, thinking as if he or she had to receive that communication, and not only thinking about brand objectives, and putting the offers in the main content. Instead, designing strategies thinking about the end users who are going to receive it and making the most of their knowledge , since there may be some audiences that it is better not to approach with very aggressive offers since we know that they are not going to buy them, but rather to give them what they want so that they gain confidence in the brand.

And a second challenge is knowing how to control the actions they are taking and what impact they have on the business; it is “very easy” to design an email marketing strategy and execute it with one tool or another, but what is really valuable is knowing the benefit it is bringing to our brand, and to do so we must know which KPIs evaluate our situation in order to optimize the following actions; we must learn from ourselves and from what our users tell us, “ when they open or not a communication ”, “ at the time they are opening it ”, “ from which device” … we must learn to read the data that users are leaving us.

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What has been your best experience of collaborating with the group? And what would be an experience that has left you with a lot of learning?
M: I couldn't decide on the best experience. Every client is an experience, you learn something new with each one. That's the good thing about working for an agency. Since each client can be from a different field, you have to renew yourself every day; you have to research different sectors to be able to give an appropriate response to each one of them.

And with this, learning is constant. Working in a multidisciplinary team allows you to connect ideas, not to follow a straight line, but to innovate with the team around you, to think that your work is part of a gear and that the work of a colleague depends on it, makes you have to do things well for the sake of the common goal; and not just stick to the simple knowledge of your area, but to know about all of them so that yours makes sense in the whole.
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