You've probably already experienced adverse situations when trying to sell a product or service, right? Don't worry, this is normal and only entrepreneurs know how it works. To avoid potential problems when closing a sale, it's important to consider digital marketing and WhatsApp as strategic solutions to boost your business' results. But how can you offer a product to a customer via WhatsApp without seeming too invasive? The answer to this question can be defined as: it depends.
Understanding your target audience is a crucial step before you even start promoting your offers. First, ask yourself whether your audience feels comfortable receiving offers and promotions via WhatsApp. If you don’t have a specific answer for this question, it’s important to consider some techniques that we’ll cover throughout this article. It’s important to understand that sales are also a process and that they need to be worked on continuously to generate effective results in the medium and long term.
There’s no point in trying to push your product or service to your contacts on WhatsApp at all costs. For many people, this type of technique may seem invasive india business fax list and unfounded. That’s where understanding your potential customer comes in. Remember that not all people are the same and for you to have efficient results, the first step is to conduct a more critical study of your audience. Analyzing your audience’s main pain points and objections is what will guide you towards a more objective and persuasive offer. In this article by Neil Patel , you will learn more about how to define your ideal audience and its importance.
Generally speaking, is it possible to offer a product to a customer via WhatsApp without defining an audience? It’s normal for you to still have this question — especially if you skipped the stage of studying your target audience. The answer is yes, it is possible, however, accurate measurement can be effective. Let’s understand this better?
The importance of positioning in digital marketing
In order for you to understand how to offer a product to a customer via WhatsApp, you need to keep in mind that this technique is based on the main digital marketing techniques. Yes, selling via WhatsApp is digital marketing and for everything to go as smoothly as possible, your marketing needs to be strategic, persuasive and transformative in the customer experience.
Many new entrepreneurs just want to sell and don't care about improving their audience's experience. We know that selling is important, it's what will pay your business's bills, but a satisfied customer is the basis for future referrals and repeat purchases. Another important point that cannot be overlooked when generating sales through WhatsApp is your positioning in the market.
Have you ever wondered how the biggest brands in the world position themselves in the market? Disney is an example. It is considered one of the best brands when it comes to customer experience. The Disney way of delighting its audience has become quite inspiring for many entrepreneurs, whether they are micro, small or large. The concept of CX (Customer Experience) goes beyond sales itself, but also in the full satisfaction of your target audience. This article from the CS Academy website explains in detail the Disney concept of delighting.
For those who are just starting out in the market, these principles may seem complicated. But it is important to have a visionary mindset, one that cares about market actions and how good positioning can generate more profit for your business.
We can give another more practical example: would you buy a product or service from a brand that doesn't have a professional website, that doesn't have a well-built visual identity and that doesn't convey any professionalism? I bet that, in general, your answer would be no. That's right, strategic positioning starts with the basic principles that form a company within the digital sphere and even in the physical sphere. These factors directly reflect how the process needs to be worked on for sales to occur.
How to offer a product to a customer via WhatsApp? 7 strategic tips for you to adopt in your business
how to offer a product to a customer via whatsapp
Photo: Unsplash – Christian Wiediger
You may be anxious and want to know the best sales techniques on WhatsApp right away, but you need to understand that without prior positioning, the results may be flawed. In any case, we have also prepared seven tips on how to offer a product to the customer on WhatsApp in a strategic way without seeming too invasive.
Professional profile : If you haven’t seen positive results on WhatsApp yet, you may be making mistakes in the most basic aspect — yes, this is normal and happens to many entrepreneurs who are just getting started with digital marketing . It’s important to keep your feet on the ground and start with the basics well done. Keep your profile with a good photo that reflects your personality or your business logo, include a persuasive bio that highlights your brand’s core values, and show your opening hours. By combining these aspects, you will have a solid and more professional profile in the minds of your potential client.
Intelligent segmentation : Segmenting your contacts is key to effective communication. As we have said before, not all people are the same and not all are willing to buy products or services at any given time. Classifying your contacts into groups based on common characteristics, purchase history or preferences helps you target your messages more precisely. This step may seem a bit complex, but with the help of a computer and specific programs, you will have more flexibility in this organization stage. Learn more about the essential applications for entrepreneurs' computers .
Content : When it comes to marketing on WhatsApp, content is king. After all, sales will come from the offer and the content presented. The biggest mistake many entrepreneurs make when they are just starting out is leaving out good content. Many users tend to buy after consuming content that is truly transformative. In this context, it is important that you share relevant information , such as tips, informative articles, and videos related to your niche or products. By providing valuable content, you build authority and gain the trust of your customers. We can also emphasize that content marketing can be an interesting solution to boost results. Find out about the main advantages of content marketing .
Quick and efficient responses : I bet you've tried to complete a purchase on WhatsApp, but you've given up due to poor customer service. This is quite demotivating and directly affects your final decision-making. We can say that speed and efficiency are essential for selling on WhatsApp on a recurring basis. Customers expect quick responses to their questions. Be available to respond promptly, showing that you value their time and concerns.
Exclusive offers : What makes your audience buy from you and not from your competitors? Why is your product transformative and your competitor’s is not? If you are looking for alternatives on how to offer a product to your customer via WhatsApp, it is essential to have the answers ready to encourage sales. It is a good idea to create exclusive promotions for WhatsApp customers and show the real benefits of your brand. This makes them feel special and valued , encouraging them to make purchases.
Social proof : Social proof is still overlooked by many entrepreneurs. This resource is essential to spark the interest of new customers and turn current ones into advocates for your business. After a purchase is completed, don’t forget to ask for feedback and reviews from customers. We can understand that this information is invaluable for improving your products, services and marketing strategies. Learn more about the importance of social proof in the Resultados Digitais article .
Intelligent automation : If you are experiencing high demand for orders via WhatsApp, automation can save you a lot of time and improve the customer experience. Consider this feature as an investment that will boost your response time with your customer. In this situation, it is worth exploring the use of chatbots to handle frequently asked questions, provide basic information about products or services, and even complete simple sales. It is also important that chatbots are programmed to be efficient and human, offering a pleasant customer experience.
Of course, there are other ways to offer a product to your customer via WhatsApp, but everything will also depend on what you are offering and how your competition is doing. There is no ready-made, miracle recipe that will boost results overnight. As we saw earlier, positioning and customer experience will be the main guiding principles for your strategy to gain strength, consistency and real value in the minds of your audience.
Another crucial factor is your structure. Do you already have a professional website, a well-organized listing on Google My Business? How is your customer service? Is it effective? These are other points that need to be considered so that your positioning in the digital market is more effective. Finding solutions on how to offer a product to a customer via WhatsApp goes beyond the tips mentioned above. Selling is a consequence of your business vision and how you intend to impact your audience.