Before we look at how to craft a solid strategy, here are some of the key influencer marketing statistics you need to know:
Businesses earn $5.20 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing ( Influencer Marketing Hub ).
80% of marketers find influencer marketing effective ( MediaKix ).
70% of teens trust influencers more than traditional free korean number for whatsapp celebrities ( Digital Marketing Institute ).
The influencer marketing industry is on track to be worth up to $15 billion by 2022 ( Business Insider ).
49.6% of influencers say their followers are more interested in authentic content ( ).
Influencer marketing is big business, and as a marketer, you can no longer ignore this tactic if you aren’t already using it.
Understanding the Different Types of Influencers
Despite what you might think, not all influencers are the same and it’s important to know the differences between different types of social media personalities so you can craft a successful strategy.
You often hear about influencers who are dedicated to a specific platform: Instagrammers, YouTubers, or others. But their platform is, in reality, just the distribution channel for their content.
To truly understand the different types of influencers, we need to look at micro-influencers and celebrity (macro) influencers.
In recent years, many marketers have realized that there is great value to be had in leveraging “regular” people to promote their products and services. Around this, investment in micro-influencers has exploded.
In 2018, Forbes named this group of influential individuals the marketing force of the future .
Micro -influencers are not celebrities, but simply social media users who have amassed a following of like-minded people . They typically have between 1,000 and 10,000 active and engaged followers .
Influencer Marketing Statistics You Need to Know
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