Can you imagine surprising everyone in a restaurant by ordering in English? I think this is the dream of any language learner. I used to have it happen a lot in restaurants here in Spain. In this article, you have a list of 21 useful phrases in English for ordering in a restaurant. From asking the waiter for recommendations to requesting changes to your order.
You may be planning a romantic dinner (check out our article on giving compliments ), a business lunch or simply finding yourself abroad. No matter what your level of English is , these expressions will help you get in, order and enjoy your experience. So get ready to wow everyone .
Well, you may think this question is redundant. But I think it makes sense to zalo database dwell on it for a bit. Knowing how to order in a restaurant in English can make the difference between a satisfying experience and a frustrating one. And if you're below the level of fluency and total comfort, this experience will bring you a lot : you'll practice your English, hone your ear, and come away with a newfound self-confidence.
It is very important to express your preferences, ask questions about the menu and request modifications to your order. This will help you enjoy your meal, learn English and gain confidence.
Basic phrases for ordering in a restaurant in English
Below are some basic English phrases that will help you when ordering at a restaurant. Pay attention to the bold part, this is the key part, then you can change the other parts according to your needs.

Can I have a table for two, please? Do you have a table for two, please? I would like to see the menu , please . Me
gusta ver la carta, por favor. What do you recommend? What do you recommend? I'll have the steak, medium rare. Voy a pedir el filete, medio hecho. Could I have some extra sauce on the side? Do you have a children's menu? Do you have a children's menu?
If you happen to be going to England this holiday, find out what the typical dishes of English cuisine are in this post.
Learn more English:
How do you say have breakfast in English?
Get to your destination! Basic English for traveling
How do you say I'm hungry in English? (It's not have hunger)
Expressions to ask questions about the letter in English
When you're at a restaurant, it's common to have questions about the dishes or ingredients on the menu. Here are some English expressions that will help you ask questions about the menu:
What are the daily specials? Is this dish vegetarian/vegan/gluten -free? Could you tell me more about this dish? Could you give me more information about this dish?
These phrases will allow you to learn more about the dishes available and make an informed decision when placing your order.
If you want to practice ordering in a restaurant in English, we can help you: practice with our English teachers , in just a few sessions you will be able to communicate fluently in this environment.
Phrases to request modifications to dishes in English
Here are some English phrases that will help you request modifications to dishes. As in the previous parts, please note that the part in bold cannot be changed.
Could I have this dish without onions? Can you make this dish less spicy? Is it possible to change the fries for a side salad?
By using these phrases, you will be able to personalize your order according to your tastes and needs.
How to order drinks in a restaurant in English
We can't forget about drinks when ordering at a restaurant. Here are some English phrases that will help you when placing your drink order:
I'll have a glass of red wine, please . Voy a pedir una vidrio de vino tinto , por favor. Could I have a bottle of still water, please? Can you bring me a bottle of still water, please? Do you have any non-alcoholic options ?