1. Introduction to NPS software
Customer loyalty can be measured with a simple question:
How likely are you to recommend a business, product or service to friends and family?
This simple survey is known as the Net Promoter Score (NPS) system.
It is used by companies around the world to measure loyalty, detect organic growth opportunities, increase retention and prevent customer churn.
Survey methodology may seem simple, but conducting market kenya phone number list research, analyzing customer data, and leveraging customer feedback can be more complicated in practice.
This is where Net Promoter Score software comes into play.
There are many NPS solutions to help you manage customer satisfaction.
From creating and sending online surveys, to analyzing NPS scores and generating valid insights, NPS software simplifies the way you measure the customer journey.
But how do you find the best solution for your business?
This article covers everything you need to know about NPS software:
Net Promoter Scores (NPS) Summary
See what NPS software is really all about,
Identify the 7 key features when looking for NPS survey tools,
Study the 8 best NPS tools on the market right now,
Consider the 11 questions you should ask when choosing NPS software,
Explain how to maximize the benefits of your chosen NPS tool.
2. Net Promoter Score (NPS) Summary
The Net Promoter System is a benchmark that provides insights into key loyalty areas such as satisfaction, retention, engagement and growth potential.
An NPS survey asks customers to rate their likelihood of recommending the business, product or service to friends and family on an 11-point scale.
The NPS rating question is often followed by a qualitative question that asks respondents to explain why they gave that rating.
Survey responses can be classified into three categories: Promoters, Passives and Detractors.
The overall NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters, and is reported as a number between -100 and +100.
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is analyzed as follows:
A good NPS score, generally speaking, is between 0 and 30.
A score between 30 and 60 indicates that your customers love you.
A score below 0 shows that you have more dissatisfied customers than satisfied ones, and that improvement is needed.
Read our definitive guide to Net Promoter Score (NPS) .
Different types of NPS
The simplicity of Net Promoter Score (NPS) makes it easy to use as a key measure of customer experience in a number of ways.
The relational Net Promoter Score measures how customer sentiment changes over time.
The transactional Net Promoter Score measures customer feedback after specific interactions with your brand.
3. What is NPS software?
NPS software is a survey tool for capturing and analyzing NPS responses across digital channels.
While NPS surveys can be sent relatively cheaply and easily, NPS software provides a more effective and sophisticated way to measure customer satisfaction.
A good NPS survey tool makes it easy to collect, analyze, and leverage customer feedback.
With the right software, you can:
Create NPS surveys easily
Send NPS surveys across multiple channels,
Measure relational and transactional NPS,
Target different audiences,
Conduct multiple surveys at the same time,
Analyze and report the results.