The augmented agent is a promise carried by artificial intelligence . That of providing the employee with the context revealed by automatic detection of intentions in voice or text messages ( e-mail , comments, social media, etc.). Augmenting the agent means giving them the means to better understand their interlocutor, from the history of their relationship to the most recent interactions, and sometimes even the analysis of their feelings. In the retail sector in particular, context also means reconciling the in-store journey with that made on the e-commerce site. All these elements provided to the agent will allow for better personalization of the conversation, AI will offer them a library of ready-to-use responses; a guaranteed time saving and a significant benefit in the quest for an optimized FCR ( First Contact Resolution Rate ), an essential KPI for customer relations.
This raises the question of making this customer knowledge available to all of the company's employees, in contact with customers. Why reserve this knowledge for just a few? The extended agent is the how to build phone number list in-store salesperson, the logistician, the delivery person, the accountant, etc. The majority of their time is not dedicated to customer response; however, when they are called upon, it will most often be for a particular expertise (a skill or an aptitude as it is called in a contact center) or, less often, as an overflow. Whatever the case, extending the functionalities of the contact center to all employees will transform the company and truly focus it on the customer.
Data: a new weapon for knowledge, personalization and customer loyalty
Unstructured and unexploited data from our messages, comments or conversations with brands seem to be neglected by many companies. The latter feel helpless in the face of their ever-increasing number and importance. As for the data, it waits in the data lakes waiting for an AI to come and enhance it. On
the contrary, the GAFAMI have been interested in it for a long time: with the late Screenwise from Google or the various experiments from Facebook and more recently with Amazon initiatives. $2 per month for your browsing history, $10 for your receipts outside Amazon: the Amazon Shopper Panel program (reserved for customers based in the United States and the United Kingdom) is only accessible by invitation and only based on your data, with the main objective of improving your user experience of course.