While we won’t be able to attend live events for the foreseeable future, many artists are putting on free shows during the pandemic. Billboard.com has a comprehensive list of all the live streams happening in May. Eventbrite also has a landing page for many virtual events , from readings to development classes and webinars. There are also online art events that are ripe for the picking. You can even create online game nights with your friends via Zoom or Google Hangouts. Games like Jackbox are easy to play over video conferences.
Be kind to yourself
Remember, we are all in this together. No one expects uk phone number list you to be perfect at anything. We are all doing our best to adapt. You have control over what you do on a daily basis, try to make it productive. Ultimately, we will all become better cooks, better listeners, and grateful for the time we have with our loved ones. We will also be grateful when restrictions are eventually lifted and we can return to our daily lives.
The provider shortage is a big problem. Physicians are overwhelmed. They are unwilling to invest their time or valuable resources into changing their existing, proven workflows. There is also a “balance for the fences” mentality that exists in nearly every institution in America. Simply put, unless the technology offerings are seen as truly transformative, the cost-benefit analysis weighs against implementing any new process.
The impact of COVID-19 on the digital transformation process
Interestingly, the coronavirus pandemic both encourages and hinders change. On the one hand, the overload of healthcare resources has put the system in survival mode. Organizations that are playing catch-up are less likely to think about the long-term implementation of digital technologies.