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Publishing PlatformLinkedIn for Content

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:31 am
by leadseodata
But I had stumbled upon something really important – my aha moment that was going to lead me to build something bigger than myself.”Her aha moment happened when she realized the three attributes that made the article successful. the article was:RelatableConversationalHelpful“People want to be inspired and motivated. They want to learn and grow. They want to connect and discuss common challenges and problems,” Michaela says.Your #LinkedIn content should be relatable, conversational, and helpful, says @mickalexis via @cmicontent. #CMWorldShare on XTo be relatable on LinkedIn, never start with what you know, start with who you are.

“Only after your followers understand who you are should you swiss whatsapp number move on to discussing the things you know,” she says.To be conversational, think about the language in your posts and the act of fostering conversations. Michaela shares how she banded with a few friends to create a campaign called Let’s Get Honest (#letsgethonest). They asked LinkedIn users to record short videos to share a challenge or vulnerability they overcame in their career. Over million users participated in the campaign.To be helpful, share content and resources that can answer questions or address challenges for users.

It can also mean lending a hand to assist someone in need.On her Michaela Alexis company page, I noticed a recent post that has all three attributes: relatable, conversational, and helpful:HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT:How to Use LinkedIn as a BrandMarketing: What You Need to KnowTell people what to doWhile I’ve never been a fan of tweets that say, “Please RT” because I decide on my own whether to retweet, it’s a good example of communicating what you want your audience to do.