Standardize formats
You can approach this in a few different ways. Some of the marketers we interviewed use tools that do this automatically. Others, like Oriol Bel of Inboundcycle, perform these steps manually. "We do this as we go through the database for the most qualified leads."
Respondents identified two specific elements that need to be formatted correctly.
Name capitalization
The data cleaning process often starts with fixing a simple problem: name capitalization.
"Unfortunately, checking records for lowercase names is a laborious process because we have to manually open and modify the contact record," said Shelby Heath of Campaign Creators.
"Once you realize that a lot of people don't capitalize their name, just routinely check that the first letter of the name is capitalized whenever a new customer contact comes in."
This may seem like more work than it's worth at first, but Heath says it's worth it:
"We often use a personalization feature in emails. If someone gets thailand code phone number an email with their name in lowercase, it looks a bit odd. A cleaned-up name makes a better impression. Otherwise, the prospect may feel like the email wasn't meant for them at all."
Instead of doing this check directly in the CRM, Beverley Barnes of Media Junction exports the data to Excel and cleans it there.
“For example, first name fields that contain first and last names, are not capitalized, contain different fields, etc. can be more easily sorted and corrected using Excel and then uploaded back for updating.”
“Fixing this one problem (first name field) can have a positive impact on your entire process by enabling the use of personalization tokens everywhere.”
“Marketing efforts can be made more customized and personal - from intelligent page content to using first name tokens in marketing and sales communications.
“At Nextiny Marketing, we use Insycle to quickly identify when names are not capitalized and correct them with one click,” said Gabriel Marguglio, Founder and CEO.