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5 Social Media Marketing Options for Businesses on a Tight Budget

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:30 am
by Raihan8
Social media is powerful. According to the PEW Research Center, seven-in-ten Americans use social media. Social media use blossomed from only 5% in 2005, to about 50% in 2005, and finally 69% today.

It’s not just popular with individuals – businesses have taken to social media in every imaginable way possible, using various platforms, from Facebook and Twitter to Snapchat and Pinterest, to market their product or service. The best thing about using social media that there are plenty of inexpensive marketing options for businesses on a tight budget. Here are five to get your started:

1. Create Social Media Business Profiles
This is a simple step and one that many businesses take, but if you have yet to create social media business profiles, you should get started today! It’s simple to create a Facebook page for your business, or an Instagram tunisia mobile code profile to share photos of your products. When you first get started, try one or two platforms, see how they work out, and expand from there. If you’re able to keep up with the demands of your social media profiles (here’s some information about how often you should post), then branch out and try new something new!

2. Facebook Boosted Posts
Boosting a Facebook post is a perfect combination of simplicity and cost-effectiveness. You can boost anything from a status update and photo, to a video or special offer. Boosting a post is simple: just click the “boost post” button at the bottom of your post (your page must be a business page, not a personal Facebook account for these options to appear), and choose your audience, budget, duration, and payment method, and you’re ready to go! Keep in mind that you’ll have to set up your payment method and audiences beforehand, and stay within Facebook’s advertising guidelines to boost the post. The minimum budget for a boosted post is $1 per day and you can run a boosted post for any amount of time you choose, so these can be as cost effective as you need. Boosted posts appear higher in news feeds and on Instagram, so it’s more likely that your audience will see them and engage with your post and page, thereby building brand awareness and maybe even helping you make sales.