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Interactive Digital Business Card – Find Out Why You Need One

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 5:40 am
by muskanhossain66
What is an interactive digital business card?
The interactive digital business card is an alternative to the physical card.

In it, you can add all contacts with links that, when clicked, direct your customers with just one click.

Because it is digital, you can send it via email and WhatsApp to friends and customers.

Which in turn can be saved on their cell phones employment database forwarded to friends and family, thus facilitating the promotion of your business.

Therefore, the ideal is for it to be digital and interactive.

Save this image to your Pinterest profile to view whenever you want.

Interactive Digital Business Card - 10 reasons why you should have one
I make your Digital card for you >> Digital Marketing Services

Why use the interactive digital business card?
There are several reasons why you should use the interactive digital card in your sales strategy, after all, the business card is a powerful marketing tool.

And the digital card is a way of sharing information about your company, but much more than that, it conveys the company's values ​​and strengthens the image of your business.

So, if you're still not convinced of the benefits of having an interactive digital business card, I'm going to share 10 reasons why you should make yours today .

Practical, after all, with just a few clicks you have already sent your card. And with just a few clicks your customer has access to everything that is important to your company.
You can update data whenever you need, without losing cards as happens with printed ones.
You can send as many as you want. And it can be forwarded to other people, meaning it has unlimited use.
It has interactive buttons with clickable links that direct people to social networks, making it easier for people to learn more about your company.
Interactive buttons with links to phones, WhatsApp , address and email. This way, with just one click, your customers can contact your company.
If you have e-commerce, it also allows your customers to access your online store with just one click.
Your card is on your customer's cell phone.
It saves time and money, after all there is no printing cost and shipping can be done remotely.
Totally ecological, after all you don't need to print your card.
With the digital card, your company will be remembered as up-to-date and creative.
In short, it facilitates communication and optimizes contact with your company.

How to use the interactive digital business card?
The digital card is a PDF file that you will send to your contacts via WhatsApp and email.

This way, whoever receives your digital card will have easy access to the company's contacts because it is interactive.

In other words, it contains clickable icons with links that direct the customer to wherever they want.

Such as the website or social networks and even the map of your business address.

Therefore, the ideal is for it to be digital and interactive.

Furthermore, whoever receives the card can forward it to other people.

In fact, my suggestion is that you create a strategy to encourage people to share your card with friends and family.

This way, you increase the visibility of your company.