Customer-Message Fit

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Customer-Message Fit

Post by Shakil1984 »

What is the potential reason for low conversion rates?
Low conversion rates usually mean that the online shoppers who reach your site aren’t interested in your offer or your content.

Finding “quick magic tricks” or using “growth hacks” isn’t a sustainable strategy for increasing your website’s conversion rate. That’s because even if you see a short-term conversion rate boost, you won’t create satisfied customers who will stay with your business.

Instead, you should focus on figuring out WHY your visitors don’t care about your messaging and value proposition.

If you can develop a unique turkey email list selling proposition that your potential customers care about, you’ll see more conversions, more long-term revenue, and more satisfied customers.

In practice, finding Customer-Message Fit (CMF) is the best way to increase conversions.

Finding the right message that achieves CMF can be both simple and incredibly hard because it requires a deep understanding of your customers and their needs.

If you know your customers well, you can group them into segments and create personalized messages that perfectly address their needs (and thus increase your conversions).

Making sure that all your visitors see the right message means you’re going to need to create a seamless customer journey for each of them. Fixing your leaky sales funnel takes time and effort, but it’s worth it.
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