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Disadvantages of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:36 am
by taniyaakter
The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was established in the 1970s to offer an inexpensive and convenient way to file patent applications across multiple nations. The need for such an agreement has only grown as the scope and importance of patent protection has expanded over time. However, as companies have sought to seek global patent protection under the PCT, the advantages and disadvantages of the agreement have also become apparent. The agreement, which is overseen by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), has been ratified by more than 150 countries, known as PCT Contracting States.

By filing a PCT patent application, an invention can be simultaneously protected by patent law in more than 150 countries. Universities, research organizations, and large multinational companies seek patent protection under the PCT. It protects applicants from unintentional mistakes that are much more likely to occur if separate applications are filed for each target country.

Advantages of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
The PCT is quickly becoming the backbone of the global patent system Croatia Phone Number Library as it makes it simpler to manage and process patent applications.
The treaty's advantages include:

Parallel Patent Protection
Comprehensive International Patent Search
Time-efficient Application Process
Strong Grounds for a Patenting Decision
Opportunity to amend an application
PCT delay works

Only utility patents can be obtained through PCT patent applications. A design cannot be patented through this procedure.
In addition, this method delays inspection and extends the time required to obtain a patent through the PCT route. The PCT also makes the patent process somewhat expensive because it requires an applicant to pursue the application separately in each nation.