6 personal branding hacks to attract more customers

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6 personal branding hacks to attract more customers

Post by muskanhossain66 »

Have you just started your business?
Have you recently opened your own Instagram store?
Okay, now it's time to work on your branding.
My intention in this article is to give you 6 hacks for your Personal Branding to attract more customers.

Mercado Hack Tip: I recommend you read (also) our article job seekers database on Authority and the FREE video class on Growth Hacking Leads and sales.

Let's go to the article ->

1- Have authentic content
Authenticity is always a differentiator.

Whether for building articles or even in your lifestyle.

Doing things with heart and determination already brings a different air to you and your business.

If you work with content production, try your best to produce authentic content.

“Ah, but what if people don’t like what I write?”

Lose that fear now , write in your own style, but be careful with:

Portuguese mistakes (I know it's difficult, I have a lot of them myself lol.)
Source (Where are you getting inspiration for your content? Is it a reliable source?)
The internet is full of fake news and people's distrust is very high.

Therefore, I repeat:

Have reliable sources!

2- Does your photo convey confidence?
It may seem silly, but your profile picture is the first thing people will notice.

If your photo doesn't inspire confidence, the chances of you being ignored are high.

But how do you know if your photo inspires trust?

One tool I always recommend is Photofeeler.

How does it work?

It's actually quite simple.

You will post your photo and people will rate it on 3 criteria.

The requirements vary depending on the purpose of your photo, for example:

Read also: Permission Marketing
If your photo is for commercial purposes , it will be evaluated between: Competent, Friendly and Influential.

If you're dating: Smart, Reliable and Attractive

If socially: Confident, Authentic and Fun

Take the test yourself!

3- Create a winning logo
The logo is the face of your company.

It’s what people will look at and remember about you.

Let's take the test? Look at these logos, I won't even mention the names of these brands and you'll already know: Who they are and the market they operate in.

Be creative and objective .

Reminder: Your logo must be legible even when displayed in thumbnail format!

So avoid too many details!

4- Have a position

Brand positioning is how people see you or your business.

Are you the Growth Hacking expert ?
Are you a successful Copywriter ?
Are you a digital marketing genius?
So all your content , the way you act and your company (or business) must reflect your positioning .

Have this clear and defined , even before creating the logo. (As it should also be related to your positioning).

5- Tell a good story
Human beings are fascinated by stories.

Everyone loves a good story.

What's your story?

What is the history of your business?
How did it come about?
What motivated you to follow this path?
Having a good story is the first step for your audience to connect with you.

Every brand has its own story and each one is engaging.

If you're building your brand, it needs one.

Start now!

6- Be consistent on your social networks
Did you know that 62% of the Brazilian population is active on social media?

Read also: 9 Content Marketing Trends for 2020
Now that you know this, I don't need to convince you that you should be active on your social networks, right?

Not paying attention to your social media can cause the death of your brand, and that's no exaggeration.

If the main form of communication between the public and the company today is through the internet, then you should use it at all times.

How about creating a posting schedule for each of your social networks?

You don't have to post content all the time, but be consistent in always bringing something to your audience. Ex:

Facebook: 2 posts per day
Instagram: 5 stories and 2 posts per day)
Twitter: 3 tweets
Youtube: 1 video per week.
It is worth remembering that this value varies according to your business, your communication plan and the strategy included in it.
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