If you want your customers to make repeat purchases, you need to show that you care about them even after they’ve paid. A great way to do this is by providing them with post-purchase content, such as user guides, maintenance guides, or troubleshooting guides. Think about the questions your customers might have about your product after they’ve made the purchase and go from there.
Here are a couple of companies that lebanon mobile phone numbers database produce great post-purchase content that you can draw a lot of inspiration from.
Take a look at how Lodge Cast Iron does this effectively.
Cast iron, as the company knows, is a tough beast to clean. You can't just toss it in the dishwasher and call it a day. In their cast iron cleaning guide , they help customers clean their pans in three easy steps.
Additionally, they have links to different cast iron cleaning products in the article. Not only will this attract repeat purchases from people who have already spent money with the company before, but it may also generate sales from people who never even bought their pans from the company.
Dell provides post-purchase content in the form of troubleshooting guides that can help rectify many of the common problems people may encounter with their new computers.
For example, they have a free guide to help people if their Dell PC won’t boot properly into Windows . This provides practical steps that people can follow to fix the problem. If someone’s concerns are quickly addressed with this guide, they will be much more likely to give the company positive reviews and purchase from them again in the future.
Think about what kind of queries your customers might have after purchasing a product from you. Style guides, maintenance guides, tutorials, troubleshooting articles, and user guides are all great options.
Produce post-purchase content to keep customers coming back for more information.
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