Marketing Tactics and Experiences of Successful Podcasters
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:35 am
To promote their products and services, brands are actively using podcasts: in addition to advertising integrations, they launch their own projects. For example, Flacon Magazine (the magazine of the cosmetics and perfume supermarket chain Zolotoe Yabloko) in its podcast “Nestydny Vopros” (Not a Shame Question) helps listeners understand physiological issues: how to sweat less, how to stop hair loss, how to choose perfume if you don’t like anything. This is how they bring in a new audience and leads, increase reach and recognition.
What is important to consider when promoting a business through podcasts ? How to promote a podcast and is the result worth the effort? Let's figure it out together with podcast authors and producers.
Calltouch Academy
How Businesses Can Create and Promote Podcasts
Choose a unit and watch. Everything is simple and transparent albania phone number resource without entrance exams and built-in purchases.
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Does a business need its own podcast?
There are plenty of dead podcasts on any audio platform with 1-2 episodes. They were launched against the background of a strong desire and crashed against the harsh reality of the question “do we need it?”
I would highlight two types of podcasts for business:
Reputation podcast. Here you can talk about the company, its culture and values, share experience and insights from your field. Such a podcast will interest your colleagues, competitors and potential customers.
Selling podcast. Here you can present your product and share expertise that will help potential clients make the right choice. It is important to maintain a balance between informativeness and sales, so as not to alienate your audience.
Creating and promoting a podcast takes time, effort, and resources. Whether a company needs a podcast depends on your goals, budget, and capabilities. Most often, the answer to this question is “no.” A podcast will most likely not reduce your costs for promotion and advertising, will not turn you from a “solid middle-of-the-roader” into a market leader, and will not attract tens of thousands of listeners in the first months. And its creation will certainly not be a simple process that takes two man-hours a week.
How to Promote a Podcast
The first target audience of your podcast is the target audience of your business. Accordingly, you need to convey to your clients that you now have a podcast, explain why it is needed and how to listen to it. If you have a website, a VK group, a Telegram channel or a WhatsApp chat, tell them about your podcast everywhere and regularly remind them about yourself.
Algorithms and featuring
Let's look at the internal resources of audio hosting sites. With algorithms, everything is quite simple: the more people listen to your podcast and the longer they do it, the higher the probability that the systems will promote you to their listeners.
At first, the automatic system will try to understand who you are and how you can interest the audience. If your content is interesting and the listening percentage is more than 70%, then it will be beneficial for the system to promote you - this is a win-win situation. You keep the audience on the platform, and the platform promotes you in return.
Getting featured means getting into the Editor's Choice collections, which you've probably already seen. But the editors usually don't have time to listen to hundreds of podcasts every day. So your job is to explain to them who you are and what makes you interesting. Each platform has its own features for getting into various collections. For Apple Podcasts, you need to have a lot of high-quality visual content in different formats. Yandex Music won't pay attention to you if you don't have a hundred hearts on a podcast. Soundstream will be more loyal, and even if you're just starting out, it may recommend you just like that.
Each platform has its own approach, and they don't always have clear criteria. For example, Sound doesn't have guidelines. So you'll have to guess.
Collections on websites
Various information and entertainment sites have their own selections of podcasts in the format of "Top 10 Coolest Podcasts for Personal Growth." Often, you can buy a place in the selection.
Mutual PR
Even for very specific projects, we can find a podcast with an overlapping audience. Then agree on mutual mention or the appearance of your expert/host in another podcast. The prices for this are quite reasonable, with options ranging from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles. This is a good way to increase popularity and attract an audience that is already familiar with the format.
Media guests
My favorite strategy has always been to invite a popular guest with a large social media following. People love to talk about their passions. Let the speaker talk, ask leading questions, and send them a link immediately after the episode is published.
A few minutes later, you watch as your guest sends his subscribers a post about how cool he was when he went to the podcast and that this podcast is a must-listen. This is the most effective and cheapest promotion option.
Social media groups
Small active communities with similar topics work great. Usually, a publication (or repost) costs pennies, and the audience immediately comes loyal and interested. That is, if you have a podcast about fishing hooks, find a small and lively community about fishing - cheap and cool. And you'll get feedback too.
What is important to consider when promoting a business through podcasts ? How to promote a podcast and is the result worth the effort? Let's figure it out together with podcast authors and producers.
Calltouch Academy
How Businesses Can Create and Promote Podcasts
Choose a unit and watch. Everything is simple and transparent albania phone number resource without entrance exams and built-in purchases.
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Does a business need its own podcast?
There are plenty of dead podcasts on any audio platform with 1-2 episodes. They were launched against the background of a strong desire and crashed against the harsh reality of the question “do we need it?”
I would highlight two types of podcasts for business:
Reputation podcast. Here you can talk about the company, its culture and values, share experience and insights from your field. Such a podcast will interest your colleagues, competitors and potential customers.
Selling podcast. Here you can present your product and share expertise that will help potential clients make the right choice. It is important to maintain a balance between informativeness and sales, so as not to alienate your audience.
Creating and promoting a podcast takes time, effort, and resources. Whether a company needs a podcast depends on your goals, budget, and capabilities. Most often, the answer to this question is “no.” A podcast will most likely not reduce your costs for promotion and advertising, will not turn you from a “solid middle-of-the-roader” into a market leader, and will not attract tens of thousands of listeners in the first months. And its creation will certainly not be a simple process that takes two man-hours a week.
How to Promote a Podcast
The first target audience of your podcast is the target audience of your business. Accordingly, you need to convey to your clients that you now have a podcast, explain why it is needed and how to listen to it. If you have a website, a VK group, a Telegram channel or a WhatsApp chat, tell them about your podcast everywhere and regularly remind them about yourself.
Algorithms and featuring
Let's look at the internal resources of audio hosting sites. With algorithms, everything is quite simple: the more people listen to your podcast and the longer they do it, the higher the probability that the systems will promote you to their listeners.
At first, the automatic system will try to understand who you are and how you can interest the audience. If your content is interesting and the listening percentage is more than 70%, then it will be beneficial for the system to promote you - this is a win-win situation. You keep the audience on the platform, and the platform promotes you in return.
Getting featured means getting into the Editor's Choice collections, which you've probably already seen. But the editors usually don't have time to listen to hundreds of podcasts every day. So your job is to explain to them who you are and what makes you interesting. Each platform has its own features for getting into various collections. For Apple Podcasts, you need to have a lot of high-quality visual content in different formats. Yandex Music won't pay attention to you if you don't have a hundred hearts on a podcast. Soundstream will be more loyal, and even if you're just starting out, it may recommend you just like that.
Each platform has its own approach, and they don't always have clear criteria. For example, Sound doesn't have guidelines. So you'll have to guess.
Collections on websites
Various information and entertainment sites have their own selections of podcasts in the format of "Top 10 Coolest Podcasts for Personal Growth." Often, you can buy a place in the selection.
Mutual PR
Even for very specific projects, we can find a podcast with an overlapping audience. Then agree on mutual mention or the appearance of your expert/host in another podcast. The prices for this are quite reasonable, with options ranging from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles. This is a good way to increase popularity and attract an audience that is already familiar with the format.
Media guests
My favorite strategy has always been to invite a popular guest with a large social media following. People love to talk about their passions. Let the speaker talk, ask leading questions, and send them a link immediately after the episode is published.
A few minutes later, you watch as your guest sends his subscribers a post about how cool he was when he went to the podcast and that this podcast is a must-listen. This is the most effective and cheapest promotion option.
Social media groups
Small active communities with similar topics work great. Usually, a publication (or repost) costs pennies, and the audience immediately comes loyal and interested. That is, if you have a podcast about fishing hooks, find a small and lively community about fishing - cheap and cool. And you'll get feedback too.