Jewellerista, etc.A Mobile Phone With Good Processor VS High Ram. Which mexico mobile phone numbers database One Is Better. By Maya Gul - May 4, 2021 Share A Mobile Phone With Good Processor VS High Ram. Which One Is Better. You may always get confused with the relation between a processor and RAM. And it is also the most asked question: what makes a mobile better, a good processor, or a high RAM. We are here to answer this question in the most detailed form. So let us move forward and clarify your thoughts on this question. Can a low RAM Influence the Performance of Your Phone.

Contents [show] RAM is the Random Access Memory is the memory that works to store the apps accessing the processor. You must know that RAM mainly doesn’t work to influence the processor’s performance, but it is the thing where the running programs are stored in your smartphone. So RAM is not something to enhance the processing speed of the processor. For example, if a user launches a browser but then hits the home button and moves to the home screen. Now the browser will get stored in the RAM, and the user can continue his activity from where he left it.