The killer content for commercials and advertisements seems to be "beautiful women, children, and animals." However, this is mainly true in the BtoC world, where emotions, instincts, and images easily influence purchases.
What is the killer content for B2B? There are many types of content, such as case studies and white papers, but it is difficult to say that there is one other content that is a must other than case studies. This may be because B2B is a highly specialized field.
It's actually difficult, and I support various companies in managing their owned media, but my impression is that even if they prepare a lot of content, only 10% of it becomes a hong kong telegram phone number list hit (except when the author is a major person). Only a very small amount of killer content drives results (CVR).
This time, we will explain what killer content is in B2B business, the importance of killer content that increases leads and leads to improved sales, tips on how to create it, and how to use it.
What is killer content?
Killer content means "essential content" or "decisive content."
Killer content in B2B marketing refers to content that induces a psychological change or conversion in potential customers, making them think, "This looks useful, so let's request some information" or "Let's buy it."
Why killer content is important
Nowadays, the quality of content has become even more important. The world is full of content, and online media is increasing. Both companies and individuals have their own original media and provide a wide variety of content.
More people are skipping videos and searching on social media instead of googling. It is said that " the top 5% of employees spend 5 minutes on searching ," and the term " Time Performance " has also emerged. Otherwise, it will be impossible to handle the ever-increasing amount of information, and people's time spent on research will become shorter and shorter, and they will be able to quickly decide whether to watch content or not.
In this environment, generic information is easily overlooked, especially for B2B professionals who don't have the time to do research during their shifts.
It is now more important than ever for marketers to improve the quality of their content. They need to aim to create killer content that will move the hearts of potential customers.
The opposite of killer content: Generic content
The opposite of killer content is generic content: mediocre content that most people will skip over and won't remember.
Common keyword-stuffed headlines for SEO purposes
Only a superficial explanation and inoffensive
Content that is of little use to your prospects
Indistinguishable from other companies' content
When you try to research something for work, you may notice that there is surprisingly little useful content. If you look at the first page of search results on Google these days, you will see a number of sites with similar titles.
"Marketing" search results
The same goes for white papers, with surveys showing that 70% of them are disappointing (and the disappointment is even more so because they took the time to download them). This kind of average content no longer resonates with today's potential customers.
How to create killer content
Killer content emerges when the content, copy, and design are all perfectly balanced, so while it is impossible to achieve it 100%, there is a certain probability that it will be created if you aim for it.
It doesn't require a special budget or the hiring of amazing creators, but it does require thinking and research, and it takes a certain amount of time and energy.
Here, we will first explain the key points that B2B companies need to know to create killer content (we will also introduce some hacking tools to make your job easier in the second half).
Deeply understand the persona’s challenges
First of all, the quality of your content will differ depending on whether or not you create a persona, so don't skip this step.
The items to be captured in a persona for a B2B business are simpler than those for a B2C business. These include the person's job title, business scale, industry, department, information gathering method, and in the case of SaaS, IT literacy.
B2B personas are looking for answers to problems and useful information.
To understand personas, first search for the challenges faced by people in general industries. For example, if you research "challenges faced by ____ people," you 'll get a lot of statistics for recruiters , marketers , SaaS buyers , etc. There are also trends in challenges, so try to grasp them.
After that, we will hear from the sales and customer departments. It is better to conduct customer interviews if possible. We will summarize the information obtained in this way in a sheet. The completed persona sheet will look like this.