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Email marketing is an integral component of a demand generation strategy

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 6:14 am
by Shakhawat
When it comes to email, as you can imagine, the content within the email matters just as much as the tactics surrounding your email campaigns.

Your content can range from prospecting to thought leadership and everything in between, which all depends on the goals of the campaign you’re launching and what audience you want to engage.

Figure out what makes the most sense for communicating to your contacts and create a campaign schedule that meets those needs.

lead generation graphic
Marketing campaigns, lead generation, lead nurture, product gcash database announcements, and regular newsletters are all great ways to stay in touch with your database. When creating these strategies be sure to take into account the tips below.

Segmentation: Segmenting your audience is the first step towards a successful email marketing campaign. Your goal is to deliver the right message to the right audience and that starts here. For starters, you want to be sure to differentiate between customers and prospects.

Next, you should be breaking down your list by your target personas. Some other factors to consider when segmenting: lifecycle stage, job title, tenure, location, company size, and industry. Looking at how these segments perform is a great way to understand what audiences are most engaged with your content and where you may need to fill in the gaps with more targeted content creation.
Content. The next step is focusing on your messaging. This messaging should be targeted specifically to the audiences referenced above. You want to keep your message concise and impactful and provide opportunities for the reader to convert, which is why we suggest a mix of call-to-actions (CTAs) as well as in-line hyperlinks.

A 2022 study found that 71% of consumers expect companies to offer personalized communication
Adding personalization to your subject line and email body can make the reader more confident that this content is tailored to their needs.

We want to use this opportunity to continue moving contacts down the funnel, so be sure to entice the reader that there is even more for them in the content or resources you are linking to, in short, don’t give them so much information that they feel like they don’t need to progress past the email.

Cadence. Next, you’ll want to focus on the cadence of your email marketing campaigns. As we all know, there is such a thing as too many marketing emails. While there is no perfect science to email marketing does provide the following insights:
Emails sent on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday get the most engagement.
Marketing emails sent from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Tuesday garner the most engagement, followed by Monday and Wednesday at the same time.
The weekend is a dead zone for engagement — Friday, Saturday, and Sunday have the lowest open and click-through rates.
The only way to find out what the best cadence is for your audiences is to test different send days, times, and frequencies while consistently reviewing analytics. In addition to reviewing open and click-through rates, keep an eye on your unsubscribe and overall email health analysis throughout this testing phase.

4. Automation Don’t leave your reader hanging! Follow-up and nurture streams are critical steps to successfully move your leads down the funnel. Each email marketing campaign should consider both non-openers and non-clickers for re-engagement opportunities.

For example… Contact opened your email but didn’t convert? Tailor your follow-up email to specifically address just that!

A group of contacts didn’t open the email? Try testing different subject lines and re-send to that group after an appropriate amount of time.