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5 essential elements for communicating well on social networks

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:14 am
by tonmoypramanik
Very often, they tell me that this job consists of connecting from time to time to Facebook to post publications. I exaggerate a little but overall, they do not imagine for a second that it is necessary to write a strategy to communicate well on social networks.

A documented strategy is the key to social media success
Whether it is to know concretely where you are going, to precisely identify your objectives or to welcome new collaborators, you must imperatively write a strategy to communicate effectively on social networks.

Now, you are probably wondering what to put in your strategy? Don't panic, here are the 5 essential elements for a good communication strategy on social networks.

5 essential elements for success on social networks
1 – Know yourself!
Your social media communication strategy must begin with an overview of your business:

What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Who are your competitors?
What are your values?
How are you perceived by your customers and prospects?
What are your goals?
This step often seems unnecessary, but it is actually the foundation of your social media portugal email list communication strategy. By answering each of these questions in your strategy, you will be able to determine the broad outlines of your social media communication strategy.

2 – Define your audience
To communicate well on social networks, it is important to know who you are addressing.

Gone are the days when you sent out mass communications hoping for feedback: leaflets, phoning, mass emailing... All of these actions no longer work!

Today, your customer no longer wants to be bothered in his daily life by your advertising messages. He prefers to seek out the information himself, particularly on social networks.

However, he is drowning in information and so you must do everything possible to retain his attention and convince him to trust you. For this, the success of your communication will depend directly on the quality of the content that you publish.

Quality content is content that meets one or more of these vocations: to entertain, inform, educate, solve. Knowing precisely the expectations, needs, problems and interests of your audience is therefore essential.

For this, I recommend that you work on your marketing personas.

3 – Select the right social networks
The mistake you should not make when you start on social networks is to bite off more than you can chew and create accounts on every social network that exists.

It's a safe bet that you won't have the time and budget to communicate effectively on all of these social networks, and you should know that having an inactive account is more of a handicap than not having an account at all.

To select the right social networks, you will need to answer the following two points:

What financial and human resources do you have available to communicate on social networks?
What social networks are used by your audience?
By accurately identifying the resources you have available, you will be able to reasonably define the number of social networks on which you can communicate effectively.

All you then have to do is rely on the portrait of your audience that you created in point 2 to determine the social networks best suited to your communication.

To do this, I recommend that you read the study that I carried out which will allow you to validate or not your selection of social networks.

4 – Work on your editorial line
And no, the editorial line is not reserved for the press: to communicate well on social networks, it is essential to define what you are going to publish there.

First of all, you need to determine the topics you are going to cover on your different social networks. Then, you will define the content format that is most suitable for each of them.

Let's say you decide to publish tutorials of your products, chances are the right format is video.

Once you have validated the themes and formats of your content, you will need to define the frequency of your publications and the optimal times to publish on your social networks.

When starting out, I recommend that you start with the averages that you find on the internet. Then, you can refine all of this based on the statistics that you can collect. (See #5).

Once you have identified all these elements, you will be able to work on an editorial calendar giving you a more or less precise idea of ​​your publications over the next 12 months.

5 – Define and analyze your performance indicators
How do you know if you are communicating effectively on social media if you don't analyze your actions?

The Internet, unlike traditional communication, allows you to track the relevance of your actions in real time. As soon as you publish a post on social networks, you have the possibility to analyze the number of views of your publication, the number of clicks, likes, shares, comments, etc.

If you have worked well on the 4 previous points and have precisely defined the objectives of your communication on social networks, you can now list all the indicators to follow regularly to ensure that you are on the right path!