The best ideas
the ideas were too different. Below, in random order, the most interesting ideas.
321codeThe idea of 321code was a programming environment for children to learn programming. A very sympathetic idea and beautiful execution, but perhaps a difficult market. The jury mainly wondered how old children should be: for most children this is probably too difficult. There have also been many initiatives that have not succeeded. Fortunately, the team showed in the demo that the design skills are fine: it looked attractive in any case.
clearClear had a very provocative pitch for a very problematic product: they want to make it possible to send sexy photos to each other for a fee, which will be deleted automatically after a short time. They saw the target group for this in the 'sexting' corner. It seems to be a product for the adult entertainment industry and as the audience already noted, it is 'too evil' for an investor to get their hands on. Technically a nice find, that's true. Perhaps a solution in search of a problem.
Another fun idea, which also fits well with the summer weather, is rockmyboat. Most people with a boat only use it a few days a year and there must be a market for peer2peer boat sharing. The idea seems clearly inspired by existing peer2peer services such as Peerby for tools and Snappcar . However, applying it to boats is new in the Dutch market. malaysia phone data Amsterdam also seems an ideal starting market for this startup, because of the many idle boats.
Technically the most beautiful demo was given by screens4. They have developed a technique with which you can place four smartphones next to each other, and you can swipe a photo from one screen to the other. There is a similar startup called bump that does this with two devices, but screens4 does this technically even better with more devices. The team had thought about a business model and thought about doing something with payments, but what exactly was not entirely clear. Maybe they can sell or license the technique to a party that can use it within an existing business model.
sunseekrThe first jury prize for the best concept in total went to sunseekr . They built a website over the weekend that allows you to search for cheap flights to destinations with good weather: the website combines weather information with flight information to come up with the best advice. A smart and imaginative application.