Surely at some point you have considered taking a course to expand your knowledge within your professional field, to change jobs or simply because you like it. If you do not have the basic studies (studies higher than primary education, that is, ESO or Bachillerato) required by the Public Administrations, it can be almost impossible for you to access certain subsidized training . Well, this is where Key Competencies come into play .
But what are they? They are the knowledge (concepts, ideas and theories), skills (using existing knowledge to obtain results) and attitudes (willingness to act or react to ideas, people or situations) that are key to learning and will allow you to understand all the content that you will later study. In other words, it is the combination of knowledge that you must have so that the syllabus does not seem overwhelming to you.
Courses for these skills are structured according to the level of the course you are seeking access to, as each Professional Certificate requires its own level divided into Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. To be more specific, these core competencies include:
Communication in Spanish.
Knowledge of Mathematics.
Communication in a Foreign Language (only required malaysia phone data for courses or Professional Certificates that include a module in a language other than the mother tongue, such as English).
What are the key competencies?
The implementation of the LOMCE (Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality) meant a change in what the Spanish Educational System understands as Key Competencies, following the educational guidelines set by the European Union. In order for training to be provided with educational quality, it must include the development of these skills. Although the 3 you have just seen are the basic ones to be able to access the training you want, there are a total of 7 that you should have in your CV if you want to improve your employability, as described in the article Aula Planeta :
Linguistic communication : refers to the ability to use language in all its forms, express ideas and interact with other people. Competence in linguistic communication ranges from oral and written communication to the most sophisticated forms of audiovisual communication. Different components interact, such as linguistic, pragmatic-discursive, socio-cultural and personal.
Knowledge of mathematics, science and technology: the first refers to the ability to apply mathematics to solve everyday life issues (such as measurements or weights); the second focuses on the skills to use scientific knowledge and methodology to explain the reality around us; and finally, technological knowledge is based on how to apply this knowledge and methods to respond to human desires and needs.
Digital competence : involves the safe and critical use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to obtain, analyse, produce and exchange information. This requires addressing information, communication, content, security and problem solving.
Learning to learn : this is one of the most important skills, as it involves developing your ability to start learning, organize your tasks and time, and work individually or collaboratively to achieve a goal. It is also necessary for the person to know their own learning process and method: what they know and don't know, the disciplines to which the knowledge belongs, and ways of tackling tasks.
Social and civic skills : These refer to everything you need (personal, interpersonal and intercultural, as well as all forms of individual behaviour) to relate to people and actively participate in social and civic life.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit: involves the skills needed to turn ideas into actions, such as creativity or the ability to take risks and plan and manage projects.
Competence in cultural awareness and expression (CEC) : ability to appreciate the importance of expression through fine arts genres (music, literature, etc.) and cultural manifestations (gastronomy, clothing, lifestyle). This contributes to the creation of new thoughts, fostering cultural diversity, freedom of expression, ability to appreciate and respect cultures.
What are Key Competencies?
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