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Woman holding phone with worried expression

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 7:35 am
by sumaiyakhatun88
Keep your distance I applied for a job with a reputable company. After looking at my resume, they rejected me via email. I kept calling them to pressure them into hiring me, and they got back to me and said, "Sorry, please call us back on days that don't end in 'day.'" Then, upon hearing this answer, my look was: Man on the phone looking frustrated - humorous reaction to being asked to call back on an impossible day 7. Calling from inside the house When someone you know calls from a new number pretending to be a stranger, you respond to them in a threatening manner .

Humorous scenario of receiving phone call tracked inside house 8. Call this template again In call center, employees are silent when boss asks them again and again to call that arrogant customer heard his oman mobile phone numbers database dirty words. Dog with Headphones Sitting on Desk Meme - Funny depiction of repeated phone calls on boss's orders 9. Calling Mom Angry Your sister broke the kitchen glass while your mother was not at home. You called your mother viciously to complain. Cartoon Cat Calling Meme - Humorous Scenario of Sister Calling Mom after Breaking Something in the Kitchen 10.


Mission Failed When you make a prank call according to proper plan, but your receiver does not pick up the call, your mission fails . Failed Mission Meme - A humorous depiction of the disappointment when a prank call goes unanswered 11. Waiting When someone asks me to wait for more than a minute, I wait patiently and try not to get angry. Monkey in Phone Meme - A humorous depiction of the frustration of being put on hold during a call 12. Calling a friend and making a joke I called my special friend using my new number and said some nonsense , me and my other friends laughed out loud.