Owned media is about the value of the company profile , the power of status updates and building a community . In this context, two relevant business cases are also mentioned: those of ABN AMRO and Deloitte . It is recommended to study and discuss these two company profiles in your
Paid media
Paid media is about paid media on LinkedIn. In this part of the book, the entire range of advertising possibilities is discussed, to put it bluntly. Advertising in LinkedIn is only discussed once you have tested your company profile for a while. The guide provides you with valuable tips on the subjects of segmentation, getting started yourself and purchasing at LinkedIn. The author's ready knowledge shows itself here.
Earned media
My favorite. Earned media is about content and the value that content has for your customers. This is where followers become friends of your company and fans of your brand. To get there, 'Linkedin Marketing in 60 minutes' takes you through the content calendar and combining the different media tools . After all, the success of LinkedIn marketing lies in the conscientious and systematic use of your resources and the calendar.
What many marketers do not know yet is that you can integrate conversations on LinkedIn as a feed on your company website. Relevant discussions about the company and your products are brought back panama phone data to the 'store' by the feed on the website, the place where the conversion usually takes place. Microsoft integrated this application at its Worldwide Partner Conference this year.
digital WPC
Handy & easy to read
More than 140 pages and that in 60 minutes. Seems like a tough task, but it isn't. 'Linkedin in 60 minutes' is handy, has space between the lines and is therefore easy to read. In 60 minutes you get what you can expect in 60 minutes. Fast-paced explanation of the subjects, but always complete and structured. The book is primarily suitable for self-starters who feel stimulated to immediately open LinkedIn and try it out. Some prior knowledge of LinkedIn and marketing is recommended.
Always curious about other opinions, I'm curious what you think of it. Additions are more than welcome and I'd like to read them in the comments.