How does occupational risk training help us in our daily lives?

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How does occupational risk training help us in our daily lives?

Post by ayeshshiddika11 »

As workers, the advantages of knowing how to act in certain situations are more than evident, but for the company, training in risk prevention has to start to be seen as a profitable investment and not as an expense, since:

The perception of working in a safe environment increases the quality of life of its workers.
Confidence increases and therefore satisfaction and motivation .
It improves the company's image both from an internal point of view with respect to its employees and from the perspective of its clients and business ecosystem.

However, returning to our perception as workers, we still find it difficult to see risk prevention as a useful tool that makes our daily activities easier.

The challenge lies more in a change of mentality; a change in our way of thinking and understanding prevention . And, as we have already pointed out, correct implementation in terms of prevention will also improve our satisfaction and our bond with the company we work for.

How can I carry out my activity safely?
Being prepared is essential. Knowing how to act in certain situations before they happen.

This objective will be achieved when employers netherlands phone data and workers realise that it is essential to comply with business preventive regulations and we begin to naturally incorporate behaviours that help us protect ourselves.

Remember that safety at work is not only the responsibility of the employer, but that you, as an employee, also have a lot to say in terms of prevention. Take the initiative and train in an area that will benefit you in the development of your activity day after day.

Of course, the employer must take the reins and understand that safeguarding the health and safety of its employees not only serves to avoid administrative sanctions, but must also form part of the company's own culture.

And you? Do you know the risks to which you are exposed?
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