How would you describe the current situation?

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How would you describe the current situation?

Post by ayeshshiddika11 »

The current situation could not be better. At the recent 18th edition of EXPOELEARNING at Feria de Madrid we had more visitors than ever, very innovative topics were discussed such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, robotics, simulators... any technological advance can be studied for its application to training, which is why e-learning does not stop growing and developing; it is very much alive because it grows and expands with the use and applications of new technologies of all kinds. As long as there are technological advances, whatever they may be, there will be e-learning.

The role of teachers is not to explain or give classes – that is outdated – it is about accompanying, teaching how to find the necessary information, which is much closer to educational coaching.

What are the advantages of distance learning for you ?
The main advantage, in my opinion, is just in time, just for me. Only e-learning is able to offer us the training we need, when we need it and at the right time, adapted to my knowledge, needs and professional profile. It is the tailor-made suit for my knowledge and personal progress. The more or less interesting lecture that a teacher belgium phone data gives in a classroom to dozens of students is over. Online training puts us all in the same space and place. It is one for all, all for one . It is the sharing of knowledge, continuous learning, peer-to-peer, informal, fun, anywhere: from the subway to the countryside, there are no borders. Wherever there is an Internet connection, e-learning arrives.

I discard as old, the well-known arguments, already known by everyone, of cost savings (good e-learning does not have to be cheaper than face-to-face training), avoiding travel, etc.

Why do you think there are still people who reject it?
There may be people who reject e-learning because they do not want to study, learn or improve in their professional life or because the experiences they have been offered or carried out are bad courses, rubbish encapsulated in a platform, with pdfs copied from any book, without any creativity, or prior adaptation, without a tutor, or support in their learning.

All my experiences since 1995 when we founded the UOC or now that I direct three Masters at IEBS , show me, through the opinions and evaluations of students, that when online training is done well, with care and professionalism, satisfaction is very high.

However, no one should be forced to study and they will always have at least two options: learning in person (coincidence of space and time) or online ( study freely, at your own pace ), at least until we all wear the chip , like in the famous Matrix movie which is now 20 years old and that scene of " teach me how to fly that helicopter " is getting closer and closer.
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