How to respond to messages on WhatsApp This is a recurring question because many people are still not used to the updates of the popular messaging platform. Don't worry, in this article we will solve this common problem regardless of the type of device you are currently using.
To tell you how to respond to messages in WhatsApp, we will make the following step-by-step cambodia telegram mobile phone number list explanation for both the desktop version for PC, its web version, and also for Android and iOS mobile devices. Don't worry, it will be a very simple and convenient process.
Learn how to respond to WhatsApp messages from different versions
How to respond to WhatsApp messages
Although the operation of WhatsApp on different platforms is basically the same, some elements may vary slightly in the way they are used, such as reactions.
Reactions is a novelty in WhatsApp that appeared a few weeks ago and allows you to generate an emoticon directly in the received message, which allows for a smoother conversation . This new feature even allows you to give a special ending to a conversation other than a simple message.
Here's how to learn how to respond to WhatsApp messages on different versions and devices:
On the WhatsApp website
WhatsApp Web has become one of the most used versions , mainly by those who need a platform to communicate during working hours. To respond, follow these steps:
Log in as usual. Remember that for this you must link your device by scanning the QR code that will appear in your browser through the application on your mobile phone.
After the messages appear, open the conversation or chat that interests you. Go to the message you want to react to. To do this, scroll with the mouse.
When you move the cursor over one of the messages, a new figure will appear - a small smiley in a circle.
If you move the cursor towards the icon, it will change from a normal arrow to a small pointing hand that will indicate that we can click on it.
When we click, some of the most common reactions appear: "Like", "Like", "Laugh", "Surprise", "Sad" or "high five". To use them, we simply click on the one we think is necessary to react.
During the reaction, we can find the reaction that we selected at the end of the message.
If we want to get a different type of reaction, different from the one observed at first, we can click on the " + " sign that appears to the right of the emoticons. This will display the full list, this is the same list that we are available to post in chat.
In the desktop version of WhatsApp
This process is very similar to the previous one, since the main changes are minimal, we only go from the web browser to the program installed on the computer. In this version, you should do the following:
Log in as usual. If it is running, go to the next step. Otherwise, you need to scan the QR code that will appear on the screen from the camera of your mobile.
Select the conversation you want to react to. It doesn't matter if it's a private chat or a group chat.
Desktop 1
Scroll through the conversation with the mouse. Find the message you want to respond to.
When you hover over a message, a small circle with a smiley face will appear to the right of it. These are the reactions. Click on it.
Desktop 3
The most common reactions will be displayed. We have to click on the ones we think are suitable for conversation.
We'll know it's done when it appears at the bottom of the message.
Desktop 4
When you react, your partner will be notified of your reaction. As in the previous case, we have access to all WhatsApp emoticons by clicking on the "+" symbol that appears at the end of the recommended reactions.
In the version for Android or iOS
Here, the process is just as simple, but it may change a bit, but I think it's much smoother on mobile. The change between the iOS and Android operating systems is minor, so we decided to combine them into a single explanation.
How to respond to WhatsApp messages
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