In today's post we are going to discuss the different phases of creating a quality multimedia audiovisual product that will help you gain readers for your blog or even help you sell more if you have an online store.
Nowadays, video is one of the elements that is gaining more importance when it comes to reaching the final public, whether with real images, animated graphic elements (motion graphics) or a mixture of both. For this reason, it has gained a practically essential place in any production destined for the web.
In a typical audiovisual production, there are three production phases:
Pre-production: This is the most important phase of the 3, since here the budget, people involved, locations, media, etc. are defined… The preparation of the project is what will define success or failure and as Abraham
Lincoln said: “Give me 6 hours to chop jordan phone data down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the axe”
Production : Here everything that was agreed in phase 1 is carried out. If pre-production was not carried out correctly, production will produce more costs than necessary, more execution time and the result will hardly be as expected.
Post-production : In this phase, the best recorded shots and the best audios are selected and the editor will proceed to assemble them, using professional editing programs such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects or Final Cut Pro. And this is how we obtain the final product. After the leap from audiovisual productions to the web and the union with the multimedia component in order to obtain a product destined, not so much for the general public, but for the target audience of a specific brand, the development phases of a multimedia audiovisual product are the following:
How to create a DIY video that will draw everyone's attention to your website?
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