Text spam level and its impact on relevance

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Text spam level and its impact on relevance

Post by sheikh1234 »

Not so many years ago, it was possible to increase rankings and reach the top of search results using text content consisting almost 100% of a set of key phrases.

This worked especially effectively for commercial requests.

This kind of “creativity” looked something like a tongue twister: “An unthinking thought about the meaning of meaninglessness is unthinkable and meaningless.”

It is clear that the person got exactly 0 benefit from such a text.

But the machines considered it relevant and moved it up.

Just imagine such verbal garbage in the TOP-10!

Facts Affecting the Relevance of the Text
As a result, search giants Google and Yandex decided to clean up their search.

A series of various filters and criteria for assessing the quality of content followed, taking into account the behavioral factor of users.

Today, overspamming and manipulation of keywords are harshly punished with sanctions: positions are lowered, people are banned, and they are excluded from search results.

All this is designed for one single purpose - to make the content as useful as possible for a real “live” person who is looking for something on the Internet.

So what is spam and how to write relevant text?

Feel free to read on, everything is clearly explained there!

Home Page: 8 Key Blocks to Increase Sales
Read also:
Home Page: 8 Key Blocks to Increase Sales
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What is text spam?
Formula for calculating text spam content.

What does nausea and density mean?

What percentage is considered normal?

Nothing extra - only useful info.
Spamming is the abuse of repetitions of france phone number library words and word forms, in relation to the total volume of the text.

In the specifics of SEO, this is the repeated use of keywords integrated into an informational article or other type of text content.

There is a simple and clear formula for calculation:

Формула расчета заспамленности текста
For example: in an article about SEO promotion, a frequently used keyword would be “optimization”.

Let's assume that the frequency of its repetitions will be 25, and the total number of words in the text will be 800.

We get the following result:

Пример расчета заспамленности
Is this good or bad?

Let's think about it.

It turns out that more than 3 percent of the text consists of one keyword.

This means that he will be mercilessly punished by Google and Yandex filters with all the consequences that entails.

But what % is then considered acceptable?


You can be guaranteed to avoid any sanctions from search engines if the spam rate is below 2%.

In the range from 2 to 3%, a partial deterioration in search results is possible.

But a value of 3% or more is already sad!

Density and nausea
The density of entry also plays an important role.

That is, the interval between keywords or phrases.

The more evenly the “keywords” are distributed throughout the text, the better.

Ideally, there should be at least 400-450 characters of main text between them.
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