101 Email Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2024

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101 Email Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2024

Post by tnplpramanik »

Email marketing comes in second, followed by content marketing and paid media, ranked as the top four opportunities to build brand awareness for small businesses.

Biggest opportunities for brand awareness
Greater opportunities for brand recognition (Source: Campaign Monitor )
40% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are the most important tactic in their content marketing strategy.

37% of respondents named email as the most effective channel for customer loyalty and retention, while websites were named by 13% and social media by only 11%.

Email marketing (84%) is the most widely implemented marketing tactic in B2B businesses, followed by:

Email marketing is primarily used for lead generation (85%), sales (84%), lead nurturing (78%), and customer retention (74%).

Organizational goals of B2B content marketing
Organizational goals of B2B content marketing (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
Frequency and timing of emails
When it comes to converting, one needs to know the best time to send emails . And email marketing statistics have something to say about the perfect sending frequency and sending time.

61% of subscribers/customers would like to receive promotional emails weekly, 38% more frequently.

Marketers contact their customers (per month): 2-3 times (32%), 4-6 times (19%), once (17%), more than 6 times (16%).

18% of emails are sent on Thursdays, 17% on Tuesdays, 16% on Wednesdays.

The worst open and click rates are found on weekends.

The time with the highest email open rate is 4AM, while 6PM shows the highest CTR.

50% of marketers say there is no perfect time to send email campaigns as every person and business is unique.

The best day for emails is Thursday.

Automating email sending
If you didn’t use automation in 2023, do yourself a favor and listen to these uk number data email marketing automation statistics for 2024. Why? Because it will save you time, money, and, once again, convert more.

On average, 81% of companies use marketing automation.


Marketing automation use
Marketing automation use (Source: Salesforce)
The biggest benefits of marketing automation are:

-Marketing automation software users can benefit from a 451% increase in qualified leads

35 % of marketers use marketing automation software for content creation and email outreach services.

47 % of marketers are confident that automation is worth it.

67 % of marketers use automation for drip or nurturing campaigns; 56% use it for segmentation purposes;

45 % of marketers use automation for A/B testing.

68.5 % of respondents believe automation improved the focus of messages.

82 % of marketers use automation to create triggered emails that result in 8x more opens and higher revenue than typical mass emails.

The best tactics for automation are customer experience mapping ( 53% ) and using personalized messages ( 51% ).

-event-triggered emails based on the customer lifecycle ( 15% ) etc.

The average open rate of the triggered email campaigns is 35.64%, the CTR is 2.02% and the click-to-open rate is 9.94%.

The average unsubscribe and spam rates for triggered emails are 0.30% and 0.02%, respectively.

email automation

Segmentation and Personalization
Nothing can improve your email sending statistics like personalization. Always segment your lists and personalize your emails, always make your customer feel special.

Email list segmentation and personalization were the most effective email strategies in 2017.

Top reasons for using personalization in email marketing
Top reasons for using personalization in email marketing (Source: SaleCycle)
The top 3 email marketing tactics are: list segmentation ( 51% ), personalization ( 50% ), and triggered emails ( 45% ).

During a SuperOffice email marketing experiment, a segmented email campaign saw a 94% open rate and 38% CTR , versus a 42% open rate and 4.5% CTR for a non-segmented email campaign.

Marketers who send targeted campaigns see a 760% increase in revenue.

88 % of users agree that they are more likely to respond favorably to an email if it appears to have been created specifically for them.

10 % of respondents are upset by the lack of personalization.

52% of managers add signatures to their emails.

Emails with photo signatures receive 32% more responses than emails without.

7 lines is the perfect size for an email signature (75% of senders include contact information, 60% add a phone number, fewer attach Twitter (7%), Facebook (3%) or LinkedIn (2%).

17 % of adults use a formal style for email communication, 33% prefer an informal style, and 49% say it depends.

*Respondents were allowed to choose multiple answers.
“Thank you” is the least annoying parting (only 3% dislike it), while 21% dislike “Peace.”

Visual content in email campaigns
Emails don’t have to be just text. Liven up your campaign by using additional visual content. After all, 45% of recipients say they like brands that don’t take themselves too seriously, so don’t be afraid to break away from old standards. Check out these email marketing statistics and consider using emojis, videos, and images in your next email campaign.
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