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How to personalize your email

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:12 am
by tnplpramanik
Any data you can find about your prospects can be used for personalization, from their favorite color to their dog’s name. But to ensure you have a steady stream of data, you need to choose the data source that’s best for your business (B2B or B2C), product, campaign size, etc.

Social networks
No source can compare to social media like Facebook and Twitter. Fresh information straight from your potential customers, updated regularly. Use data collected from social media to study your prospects' behavior. Learn what makes them angry, happy, or excited. A person's social activity is also a good indicator of how willing they are to engage. People who take the time to respond to tweets are more likely to respond to your email than those who don't engage with their own followers.

Ideal for: small, laser-targeted campaigns, TA analysis, both B2B and B2C.

LinkedIn is a haven for professional data, offering a unique insight into people’s professional lives, such as their experience, relevant skills, position in the company, etc.

Another useful piece of information LinkedIn provides is professional reviews – recommendations. These can be posted by the person’s employees or employers, or by people they have previously collaborated with. This can give you unrivalled insight into the person’s character.

Finding and adding your “ideal” prospect to your connections list will allow you to expand your list of potential prospects through so-called second and third connections. This pool of prospects is often large enough even for vietnam number data large campaigns. Use our guide on how to collect rich data and email addresses from your second and third LinkedIn connections to create extremely rich prospect lists.

Ideal for: B2B, campaigns of all sizes.


This question-and-answer platform is typically used by marketers trying to promote their products and services in case the question appears at the top of Google search results. However, Quora can also be a great way to analyze your audience and for B2B companies to find potential clients/collaborators/partners.

Search through questions related to your field to find active companies looking to promote your product. Chances are, these companies are interested in a valuable offer or promotional opportunity.

Feel free to also use Quora to analyze the problems and pains of your target audience.

Ideal for: B2B, small laser-targeted campaigns, help desk analytics.

Other sources
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Quora are enough to satisfy your basic rich data needs. However, if you want a deeper insight into your target audience in general, you can try some less obvious options like Reddit, Telegram, and Feedly.

Similar to Quora, find threads, blog posts, questions, or answers to analyze your TA: create lists of do's and don'ts, jot down your audience's pain points, likes, and dislikes. Best for: TA analytics.

To collect emails and further enrich your data, use the Email Tracker extension for Chrome and create rich prospect lists.

Step 2: Analyze the data
At this point, you should know exactly who you are targeting (your perfect buyer persona), the size of your email campaign, and what data you will use. While buyer persona is usually established before lead generation even begins, the other two parameters are not so simple.

Your target character
Depending on your product, your target audience can be a person or a company. Set the perfect audience and always segment your leads.

The size of your email campaign
B2B campaigns tend to be smaller than B2C ones. This is because the product offered to businesses is usually more specialized and, of course, more expensive. Marketing such products to businesses, small or large, requires more research into the business.

Keep in mind that the customization of B2B campaigns targeting small businesses will be similar to that of B2C campaigns. This is because these companies are usually run by fairly small, close-knit teams who will appreciate a more friendly approach. Make sure you understand the problems this business is going through in order to make the best offer and appear knowledgeable enough about the company to know what you are talking about.

In general, smaller campaigns tend to be more personalized. Larger email campaigns usually use a piece of personalization in addition to the recipient's name. However, the level of personalization is entirely up to you - you're only limited by your time and imagination.

Data you will use
The gold standard of personalization is a name and a company name, if applicable. However, you can use any data you find to create a truly personal message. Just be sure not to go overboard with personalization – sending deeply personalized messages with excessive data you collected through a person’s social media account can intimidate them and sometimes even cause outrage. Try not to come across as a stalker. You may get to know your prospect, sometimes even better than they do, but use only enough information to make them feel valued – nothing more.